Thursday, March 17, 2005


yesterday was damn hell.. i wanted to go back early, liverpool vs blackburn match was played so i needed to rest enough to wake up at 4am, so i packed all my stuffs, closed down the office; normal thing to do, shut down the servers, airconds, lights bla2..lock everything up. the last to go were faisal and i. faisal is my officemate so we shot off together. eventually we used the same route. serdang-puchong-usj via ldp. i would follow that route to hicom and changed route via kesas to klang and faisal would take the elite highway to kg mlayu subang.

i was happy that i could get back home, gonna click on a few winning 11 games, and go to bed at 930 maybe. but after the first 1ringgit toll, demm, i saw a numerous numbers of red lights from the cars' taillights. argh, people were breaking and this meant trouble - TRAFFIC JAM. i really hated the ldp if there were jams. it would affect the whole stretch of it. such uneffective idea from the dumbass engineers. so, i drove with my cacatarion feet and after about 45 minutes of jam(usually i could get home by that amount of time but i was just moving for approximately 5 kilos maybe). faisal magically was in front of me, he laughed and gave me a call. he invited me to lepak at one of the petrol pumps along the highway. there was a mobil there.

that was the first time i stopped at mobil. we parked our cars the. his charade aura was quite overheated so we decided to rest for a while. the jam was horrible. imagine of cars moving slowly for a distance of 20 kms. it was horrible. so he went and bought two cans of drinks and we talked and burak2 la waiting for the traffic to flow normal sambil shak kok. there was also this indian guy parked beside us, he drove a merc. he came to me and asked, "what happened aa.. this jalan a mmg stupid bengkang bengkok one. if ade traffic jam, surely trok". so we layaned him for about 10 mins kutuk2 samyvelu, engineers, road planners and sort. haha. remm~

i was immobilized there for about 2hours. 7-9 and it was sucks, altho i had the opportunity to talk a lot, which i preffered the most. but it was hell hot and boring, and i needed the sleep very much. after a while, the traffic was, at 9 we started our engines and moved towards our destination. the whole damn thing was - apecerit, lpak kat mobil, immobilized fort wo hours bcoz of a massive jam. both of us till today were not sure what caused the traffic jam. but it was such a gay experience - two guys talking fei longing for two hours sblah longkang at a petrol pump.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

alaa... seri gak liverpool tuh.. hahaha..

5:51 PM  

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