Monday, March 14, 2005

3 years away~

the afternoon was sober for us. we headed to klia and dad was on his way to abu dhabi.. wow, firstly it was quite relax. had lunch at a stupid cafe there. don't go there guys - marche cafe - it's a complete dumbass cafe - lembap,workers habat, mhl wasn't the was a complete ass! u have to wait for 4minutes to just get a sachet of sugar !! after lunch, we started to walk to the gate - the moment mum started to breakdown, my sis -both of them.. even my dad cried.. so, eventually i tried to calm myself but the moment i hugged him, i did cried - it WAS MOURNFUL.. seriously, automatically..that's the power of love kot in a family.. hehe, anyway, he's going for three years.. gonna miss him. kesian kt my mum..but wut to do. k la guys, hehe.. xde mood ngat - agak sdey..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

waaaaaaa sedey nye~ sop..sop..saba ek

7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

agak sdey aarr..uu uu uu

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nape aku nages time bace nih..?!huhu,i guess because it was kinda like my family.only we constantly have a longer sure its all for the best =) bonne chance!

6:05 PM  

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