Monday, March 07, 2005

best manager all time??!! - sorry for nonfooty fans

there are many voices around the world that will argue about this topic. every fans of each club will claim that their manager is the best or was the best or will always be the best all time. wolves will never forget how brian clough brought them to european limelight before any english clubs could reach there, alf ramsey guided ipswich from nowhere to the title and also the one and only england world cup success, everton's harry catterick, arsenal's wenger and chapman, these are all class managers and brought their own unique success to their clubs. but what will always be the main argument is two most rival english clubs all time..or maybe,ever! liverpool and man utd. (sorry to chelsea fans, ur time hasn't arrived yet.. hopefully roman can pump money for the next 20years and mourinho can be in the list,hehe)

so the four most extraordinary managers existed all time were bill shankly,bob paisley, sir matt busby and sir alex feguson. two from liverpool and two from man utd. if we would compare these managers for silverwares, surely ferguson and paisley would be in consideration, but if we compared for passion,love of the club,loyalty,emotion, prejudice, partisanship and pride - sir matt and shankly will definitely come above. i got the facts and figures already and u guys can think of urself.

busby was always the father of all managers all time. without him, there will be no shankly,no ferguson, no paisley, no stein - everyone made him as their mentor. he planted the seeds to make man utd one of the greatest team in the world. his success was huge, really huge! having busby babes in his team, dennis law, duncan edwards, bobby charlton, george best. he craved success from scrap. the best part is, busby was a player and assistant manager at anfield when he signed a contract with man utd for the manager's post. In the space of 23 years at United, Busby built a new stadium and succeded with 8 trophies. sir matt busby will always be remembered as one of the greatest managers all time, without him maybe there would be no man utd today!

shankly on the other hand went to liverpool on the 50's era (dark age for liverpudlians).. they were relegated for to second division and there came shankly from huddersfield (where he granted a debut to 16year-old dennis law). he, with the help of paisley and fagan slowly rebuilt the team. after a few years, liverpool started to show its true credibility with success after success in leagues and cups. the 60's and 70's were the moment of uprise for lfc by shankly. roger hunt, kevin keegan, callaghan. the shankly era, quite similiar to busby, cannot be calculated by mere mathematics but people believe their greatness. shanks shockingly resigned at the age of 60 and demanded for the board to give his assistant, paisley the manager's hotseat. fortunately, the board followed. shanks got 9 trophies in 15 years but the best part was he revived the dying liverpool - from dull to excellent, from 2nd division to top flight, from incertainty to passion, from a bullied team to a fortress, from nothing to liverpool football club.

ferguson is undeniable as the greatest english manager in the modern day. he won so many titles and cups that he himself could not remember how many. Ferguson has amassed a staggering 27 cups in 29 years of management. one of a kind, admired as a brilliant tactician and one of the most prominent personalities in scotland. his ability to scout player and evolving then to superstars is one of a kind - shmeichel,cantona,beckham,giggs,nevilles and keane.he won 9 titles with aberdeen and 18 with united including 8 league championships, numerous fa cups and league cups and a never-to-forget 2-1 european cup victory over bayern munich in 1999.

paisley that got his job directly from shankly won 15 cups in 9 years, 6 of them were championships several fa cups and league cups,and a 3 wonderful european cups success - 1977,1978,1981; the moment that the kops were branded untouchables by everyone (not including 5charity shields). with faces like keegan, dalglish - the king of kop, emlyn hughes, rush, heighway,mcdermott, hansen, souness and the kennedies, they dominated not only england but also europe. after 9 years, he also stated publicly to resign and the last year of his reign, the fellow kops granted him another glorious championship success.

On the plus side for Ferguson we could say: He's won 27 cups to date, 12 more than Paisley;
He did it with 2 different clubs, both north and south of the border;
His starting point at Aberdeen and at Manchester United was far lower than Paisley's at Liverpool;

On the plus side for Bob Paisley we could say: His trophy wins per year average is far greater than Ferguson's. He won the European Cup three times;
He never had the advantage of managing the world's richest club;
Liverpool's starting point when he took over was so high partly because of the groundwork Paisley had himself done in the boot room;
Bob Paisley's favour is the legacy of success he left behind him at Anfield. The following season after his departure, Joe Fagan guided Liverpool to the first treble in their history with a side largely fashioned under Paisley.

paisley and ferguson could boast their abilities in winning trophies but what is actually a great manager? We come back to the inescapable conclusion that hard facts and statistics alone cannot win this sort of argument. Both men managed different clubs in different circumstances. They both started out in management in 1974, clashed briefly in that European Cup tie in 1980, but clearly have not run parallel managerial careers. Any statistical comparison is therefore unscientific and flawed from the word go. We come back to the gut feelings, the individual loyalties of the respective fans. Incredibly, both of these clubs can boast another worthy candidate each to the title of greatest ever manager. Shankly's great adversary for many years was United's Sir Matt Busby, and many would regard Sir Matt and Shanks as greater than Sir Alex and Bob.

sigh, some stuff i wrote here, don't worry. it's not in the exams, just tried to share with u guys the tots that i had for such a long time indeed. for non-soccermaniacs, soory for the post..hehe, sure u guys busan bakk nak bace this story. then sorry for all devils, my facts are more on liverpool's manager coz ilmu byk sket..hehe


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