Tuesday, March 08, 2005

parisian - part 6

(this is like a journal bout my life in paris - altho a week,hehe.. everyday ill write bit by bit so, if u mind, read from below please..its continuous. so if u read from top, u'll be a little bit blurred.. it starts from sheer experience..parisian, tq)

ngaaaaaaaa - ni mulut tgh nganga ..to see such an amazing creature in front of us, it was unbelievable. altho a lot of people have rejected the idea of eiffel tower during its early years of life, now nobody will ever of tering down that piece of art from gustave eiffel. do you know why the 300-metre tower is only iron n steel? gustave claimed he had calculated to a near perfection that even a hurricane wouldn't make eiffel fall - it's wind proof! eiffel tower was built in 1889, it was a a complete controversy to build such an enourmous tower with no brick in paris - paris is well known as a city of architecture with carvings,monuments etc. so to have just a tower without bricks, prominent people back then jeered the building as an uncompleted chimney..sort of. the tower was nearly to be torn down but after receiving millions of people every year (the first year saw 2million people - now with the average of 6-10 million annually), parisians started to realize the importance of it, and now it is declared as a valuable heritage to the city of paris. we started to queue up at the east foot. the tower has four 'legs', each one has its own elevator and counter, visitors can choose to go up on the east,west,north or south.

we bought the ticket, it was 10euros each. and just after buying we straight away went thru security and waited at the elevator. it was chill that afternoon but the wheather was inch perfect. we waited there and could see the structure from below, the tower was really huge.. the eiffel in vegas paris is only like half its size here. it felt a little goosebumps - u know, standing under a 300metre tall see-thru tower. moreover, it was 100 years old with just rivets and bolts.actually being in paris itself was always eerie, it was like - whoah, da vinci walked here hundreds years back..and the buildings were all very old and scary. the elevator finally arrived, we were greeted by a french lady that controlled all the buttons at the elevator. i could see a lot of 'beware of pickpocket' signs all over. just ignored it tho. the lift was ascending just a little to the right and we could see the ground from the lift - the tower was see-thru rite.. so, it was a little bit scary. for people who are afraid of height, beware! hehe.. then we stopped at level 2.. the eiffel had 3 levels - 1,2 and of course 3(the highest tip of the tower). each floor holds different ticket prices. we bought the 3level ticket. so we went down at level2, it was really high..paris was so beautiful from the top. the elevator to the top was smaller - the elevator from level 2 to level 3 and the elevator from ground to level 2 is a different elevator.

we walked around and decided to go up to the top. it was packed - the elevator.. a large sum of tourists and visitors were there altho it was winter. but usually during summer, the crowd would be triple or quadraple the size. pheww!! we took the elevator right to the top, the elevator was quite small. but at the top, the area was nost spacious and it was really windy and cold. we walked around the area and could see the whole of paris, a bit hazy but u could see the siene making its way through the city. it was gorgeous. we took some pictures and stayed up there for a while. it was like standing at the top of the world. there was also a room - like a bedroom and also somesort of lab on the top floor. it said that gustave brought his guests and family to stay at the top of the tower occasionaly.

after that we went back to the second floor that had a souvenir shop there. the shop was small but the stuffs in there were quite rare so we took the opportunity to shop and browse. suddenly..nana shouted at me that she was pickpocketed. damn! first worst thing happened. my dad wasn't there,he went walking alone and nana was really panic. what a pity.. she lost all her money which was not that much - about 120euros, 5 credit cards, driving id, ic, bla2... so after dad found out, surely he was damn mad..he's quite paranoid and kept asking us to be safe and careful 24/7. so when this happened, it was like tsunami la..abes kene sembur bakk! so, we did not finish touring on the eiffel, did not buy anything and went straight down to report to the security staffs. they said it was common to be pickpocketed. we lepak for a while below of the eiffel. there was a large area beneath the tower. sat there and nana had to call all her cards' issuing bank to cancel the cards. every was quiet and did not talk much.

we tried to make ourselves happy and walked through champ de mars - a huge park beside eiffel tower. it was beautiful altho it was winter and all the trees was 'botak'. amazingly, the branches were cut in such fashionable way - very creative indeed. the trees were like queueing, planted in a straight line and the branches above were flattened. sort of u can walk above the trees. hard to explain, look at the pic below..hehe. we walked thru that park - 30minutes i think, very long journey.. took a couple of pictures. the eiffel from a distance was astonishing! damn tired that day bcoz of walking actually. at the end of the park there was a military school, just passed by the school and nothing spectacular here.

after a long walk, my legs were very painful. we were all very tired so at the evening, about 530pm we decided to go back to the hotel. i swore my legs were hurting like hell. we did not see eiffel at nite but planned to do that tomorrow - thursday. wow, during the stay for 4 days here, we were always walking here and there, visiting all the places. it was really enjoyable. 2 more days to go in paris. gonna miss this place man! zzzzzzz~ tired and sleepy..nite guys! (wanted to tell what we did today after the trip but particularly the same, went to le marche bought some stuffs to cook, had dinner then fiaba!)

-the end-


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