Tuesday, March 15, 2005

birthday boy hits the net!! floyd stormed to the last 8

Actually I was not at the field. I was not there to celebrate the third consecutive triumph in the UTP League. I was not with my teammates. I hated the moment when I could not be together in joy and agony. Shit! I am a player of Floyd, currently manager la.. hehe, argh.. but my dad was on his way to Abu Dhabi and I had to be with him. So, sorry mates, I promise on april fool day, I’ll be there with u guys! – fei long japs.. (every time people ask bout me, just say that I was red carded by the ref for inappropriate behaviour on the sidelines). Tribute to my best mate, wafa for providing me with all the funny stories etc., let’s the story begins..

Floyd Shohrat managed to be the first team to qualify for the quarter finals in the UTP League after a hot winning streak – 3 games straight and all the opponents were demolished (4-0,6-0,5-1) – no mercy, that was the motto provided by the manager, sir arien zackary, heh, actually I’m quite bored today, so reke cite pelik2 la for koang. The game last Sunday was a superb second half and another commanding performance for wafa that really boosted the confidence of the other team mates – jek jek!

For the first 25 minutes, the earth bound’s defence line was really hard to break through but resulted from a corner kick taken by wafa himself (he did not start as a striker but rather enjoyed the freedom on right wing), aliy was the first who reacted to poke an easy in swing corner. As usual, aliy will score in every game – beware fantasy football contestants , make sure he is in your team. Before wafa took the corner the defender shouted, “jage2, bola dieni lengkung” – remm. The first half was controlled easily by the 5-man-midfield poised by the floyderz – aliy,pen n matyie holding in the middle of the park and nizaz and wafa as wingers (ade tiru celsi sket ni). But on the 44th minute, acap the “incredible black hulk” made fun on an easy low cross by the winger of the opponent. He dived forward (cam terbang sambil meniarap a) to catch the harmless cross but eventually he missed and redirected the ball to the goal. 1-1. More like an own goal to me – tula nak tayang powerlatuh baru kene attack sepam xbahaye..kan dah kene! So the first half ended 1-1.

During the second half, the floyd supporters sang the supporters song to increase the tempo and make the game livelier (ni tokok bakk).. they demanded more from the team, and they got it rite after that. Bcoz the defender alwiz shouted “bola lengkung” wafa took another corner kick and this time xde lengkung2 nye, he shot straight at the goal keeper. The goalie flipped the ball with his fingers and voilla, the ball went straight to the far post. Pendek the birthday boy (he was 13 yrs old on that day), made a super half volley from the tipped cross and the crowd roared. “To score was the best birthday present for me”, he said. Floyd was 2-1 up and right after that wafa again dribbled the ball and made a wonderful shot to the goal, the last man was so spirit to be the hero and he misjudged and headed the ball to the back of his own net. And suddenly the game was leaning towards floyd.

The dominated the game rite to the end. It was time and supersub sudin was introduced. Nizaz brought the ball to the right, bwg shouted, “nizaz, cross!”. Nizaz hit a low cross and amazingly bawang’s first touch was magic. He backheeled the ball and the ball went in across the line – leleh bak! Another 25 minutes to go and floyd hungered for more goals. This time, the last man (yg poyo tuh) wanted to be the hero, he dribbled and plunged forward with great speed and ambition. “ya allah, tejauh plak!”. What happened? He knew he made a mistake – he handed possession to wafa. Wafa took the ball and kicked it directly to the keeper, the keeper tried to safe but he fumbled and nizaz stormed through, dummied the keeper and resulted an open goal, u know what happened next right – 5-1 to floyd shohrat!

Twenty minutes to go, the rain started to fall quite heavily and giggsy was coming in. after he ran to the pitch. Kesian gigsi. The ref stopped the play – for safety reasons (there were byk kilat and the pitch was not good). So, twenty more minutes and we were leading 5-1. if the ref was not lenient and xkesian towards the earth bound players, surely we should have won by a bigger margin – 26-1 maybe. Another victorious day for floyd shohrat. The next opponent will be the international student – a group stage final, sort of.


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