Friday, March 11, 2005

dancing on a friday nite..

hey u, do u remember me, i used to sit next to u in school..We indulged in all the extra-curricular activites, we weren't particularly cool (except for alan that is very cool and sape ek pa, name dak yg bg ko thn berak tuh - i'm cool too!)..monday cycling tuesday gymnastic..dancing on a friday nite..oh yeah! it was quite a busy week - for me it was busy la, for others like wafa mmq yg sentiase bz sorila sbb bakaq la kan.. i got a few things to settle and i desperately said that i'm busy.. but xley bloggerz sgt. the time is ticking very fast and i got this stupid java codings to settle, not creating them but to understand how it works. it's not the same as what i've learnt before because ejb's and ejc's are way too complicated.. nvm bout that but i really want to go to utp, miss the floyderz a lot but eventually, my dad's gonna leave for abu dhabi this monday morning and i have to be at home, of course - xnak jadi derhake..hehe. so u guys enjoy urselves and have a good game - keep on winning baby..haha.

on wednesday, i had a really good time having lunch with wafa n mmq, thx guys.. a special thanks to huda gak coz ikut skali n struggled to drive to my office first.ehehe.. i tot alamanda was far far away but haha, like i said, 3seconds and i was at putrajaya exit already - kan mmq? then it took about 2minutes to get there.. sigh! we went n have lunch at the food court (before that i bought a rotiboy - ake roti kopi ni rotiboy tau,jgn lupe..yakitate!!japan....) huda n i ate char kuey teow which was inch perfect - cam brader pasar rabu tronoh BUT it took 40 minutes to cook one. so with the calculations i've made.. kalo i wanted to order first, i could have 20 trips back n forth - office to alamnda then office then alamanda..sempat kacis g toilet lu shak kok sebat sambil tuber, haha.. wafa n mmq ate pekandaq satow ke nasi briyani, tp nasik usual from the eating contest, wafa won.. congrats! dah lame x hangout wif u guys burak2 so it was great! alamanda was sucks..hehe. i went for a 2hour lunch - thanx to brader kueytoew sbb masak lame gle and told my sv that i got lost, eventually ade sesat sket on my way back from alamanda. putrajaya's transportation system was damn memeningkan, anyway it was only my 5th visit there.

ake.. on the other hand, hutanged me marl14.. bcoz of us betting for all the 7 champs league games. i won 3-2, the other two matches, we drew..haha, kene ko! he is a very lame predictor, not that good to be involved in soccernet's premier showdown - surely markah 0. hehe.. and champloo sucks k? okla fellas, i got to continue with this enterprise java beans, so see u, i promise that during the weekend, i'll write parisian part 7, stay tune!!


Blogger beetle-bum said...

wah..busy btoll..sempat gak berblogger..kire chattaz gakla tuh kan..hahahah....popobakkk~!!ey turn this comment thingy to publiclaa..nanti sape2 pon bley comment..ciao~!

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man u laa..xmng..xper2 season dpn mng treble..pgil blk laa beckham tue..jgn laa mrajuk lame2 hahaha cam sial jek..

1:57 PM  

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