Wednesday, March 16, 2005

parisian - part 8

(this is like a journal bout my life in paris - altho a week,hehe.. everyday ill write bit by bit so, if u mind, read from below please..its continuous. so if u read from top, u'll be a little bit blurred.. it starts from sheer experience..parisian, tq)

we stormed thru the main gate and planned our way through the quite-humangous-park. decided to go anti clockwise. the 'lands' was like circling the main street so if we walk anti clockwise, we could go from one area to another without getting tired, haha. first we went to the discoverland. the rides were quite futuristic here, airplanes, submarines, and stuffs. one thing particular was disneyland created its rides with full of passion and excitement. a dull ride could be exciting with the staffs making up stories before borading them, movie clips etc. it was fun, the decorated the rides perfectly for tourists to enjoy only by having a view of it. we took the simulation ride of star wars, it was quite exciting altho i had gone thru numerous simulation rides, batman, jaws bla2.. xterkire. before the ride, there was this area (the queueing area) full of star wars stars (robots and automated of course), working, talking and so on, the was this huge transporation ship as well (the ship was in star wars movie, didn't recall the name of course), so while queueing for about half an hour or so, i wasn't bored bcoz of looking and amazed by those stuffs, it was really really like the real thing.

then, we passed by the fantasyland and this place was really for kids tho, all those magical colourful rides. the cup, carousels, there was also a brynth, it was nice. the sleeping beauty's castle was also built here. quite boring huh? nevermind. eventually i did not enjoy a lot becuase of the rides. quite frustrating but the scenery was really astonishing. the fantasyland was like being in the cartoons itself, all those characters around u. disneyland was a place really for kids,haha. very different from the one in the states where u have lots n lots of exciting adrenaline rush rides. we walked around and after two 'lands', i was already damn tired. tp byk awex woo haha. we singgah at a cafe and had lunch coz it was already about 12. we only ate tuna sandwich - i didn't know kalo die ltak minyak babi ke,haha..blasahje bontot. then, we continued the journey - two more lands to go!! my feet were damn swelling, painful tho. walking and queuein up..eventually not my style.

the discoveryland - the pirates of the carribean (did i got it rite?) ride did amazed me. the name itself engulfed a very exciting prospect for me to feel enjoyable. on the way towards the pirates there was this huge waterfall and the cave besides it was carved into a skull, there was also a large pirate ship beside it - it was really cool. the ride was amazingly a river ride that cruised form about 10 minutes. inside the small boat, there was also this figures fighting, burning homes - it was like cruising thru a land of the pirates. and we got wet, the boat was sometimes swerving and going fast, there was also a slide or slope .. argh paham2 jela bcoz bakaq timetu, i got wet.. i was mad.haha.. that ride was exciting altho it did not have loops or downfalls haha.

finally we went to the adventureland and there was the indiana jones ride - it was a damn roller coaster that had loops and steep downfalls - yeay! at last my dream came true - maybe there was a wishing star last nite..heh. so, i was hepi to take that ride altho i had to queue for 45mins. there was also this train - a mine train. another roller coaster that was quite nice too. apparently, 2 hours from the 6 hours spent in disneyland was just actually queueing up, hehe. finally we headed to the main street bcoz there was this parade going on. we had to leave for disney studios after that. the parade was awesome - colourful and couldn't be expressed by words. really amazing. it was like the parade on aladdin - haha poyo x? the main street had a lot of souvenir shops mainly disney items and figures ( mmq alan n gigsi got their stuffs here rite?hehe..). actually around the whole park was full with souvenir shops. so guys, wanna get here, be ready with loads of money..we enjoyed every moment in disneyland - it was a lifetime experience. we then headed to disney studios - a wonderful journey awaits us..

-the end-


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