Monday, August 14, 2006

wiken habat

what to say.. bbq cancelled - again! kali ni beyo lak ade hal bcoz of his car lambat siap and tpakse blk bentong utk kali ke 8ratus dalam mase seminggu. wah, 800 kali seminggu..maknenyer sehari cam 115 kali gak a balik bentong.. huhu. aku tgh sangap and super looking forward nak blk utp weekend ni. xmintak cuti g ni, still tgh pikir how to construct those words nampak cam yakin dan bergaye. i always managed to do those stuffs..kencing oang sane sini but sometimes with watie aku segan sket. i dun want the conversation nnt jadi camni.."watie, my convo nex week. i nak amek cuti seminggu".."arien, u igt i xmasok uni ke dulu cuti sampai sminggu?" .. nnt aku tediam, pas2 cuak..hahahaha.. demm tlg la bjaye. mmg aku print out schedule for convo n edit sket2 kasi nampak panjang, hahahaha.. jahat aku ni. tp what to do convo once in our whole life and xkan nak g amek scroll pas2 tros blk kott..i want to get back those feelings lepak2 kt utp..n ill miss those times. work is hell boring and for a non-boring person like me, it stinks to go to work! tp yg bes nyer like we dun need to keco2 xde duit this n that la. if we can control sket, no problem la - kottt.. for now!

nothing much happened, memule g wedding abang ajed, went there with zop ngn zai. xmakan pon, tp kene angkat hadiah masok kete..chett!! baka lebey itu budak dad plak just came back from abudhabi and we had dinner kt chilli's midvalley. wanted something else like amarin ke but ntah, end up kt ctu gak. nak bli tie xjadi2 sampai skg and i think ill sebat my dad nye tie la - kaler black and maroon kot. malas plak nak choosy2 sgt. ahad plak kua ngn huda g klcc shopping sket. managed to buy a 1gb pendrive. tula pendrive pertame yg aku bli lam idop aku..sangat sayang akannye. huhu..rm70 je.brand toshiba, zop a pilih, bodo tol, kalo xbes siap ko..malam plak tgk charity shield ngn dak2 ni kt NZ. honestly, it was the best performance by liverpool against chelsea in years. perfect! everyone was perfect.. tp nobody's perfect? ok ok, everyone played superbly..huhu! we won 2-1 and it was a nice wrap up for the great weekend. sbbnye aku xg keje pon 2-2 hari..nice bariong, anda akan makin dibenci! hahahahaha..

my convo nyer suit dah siap, lame dah siap actually but smalam dah siap pendekkan the pants and gosok and dryclean.. test2 skek kt umah rase cam sgt segak dan bergaye..wahahahaha!! tp bukan suit putih soyat aa..huhu. siyesly aku berdoa kpd tuhan yg esa harap2 soyat xbace blog aku.. siyes kalo die bace, koang2 sumer redi buat kenduri arwah ek? tanam aku kt klang dah la..tpi bukit kt masjid kaler kuning tuh.. xyah jauh2..huhu! tuh kalo soyat bacela. my shirt this year kaler pink. jadi pinky donald sket, xtau la ok ke x.. nampak cam oang tua plak tbe2.. tp ok kott. aku bjaye bli suit itam belang kacis, shirt pink, kasut bonia mak aku pilih yg agak ketuaan bak kate adik aku,

dah a, xde bende bes pon berlaku lam idop aku..nak blog pon xde mud. ngntok saje..nite sume! (padehal br 12 tgh hari) weh ciriterz..jum fantasy!!nice gle truje gle nak fantasyyy


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