Saturday, July 08, 2006

saye rajin

after seminggu keje hasel, friday was the pinnacle that i went back from office at 7plus.. then, the other thing was due to ocbc nye project dateline next friday..we had to gung ho all the way through out the weekend as well.. skang aku kat office.. super malang..from 4pm (tuh pon dah kautim sbb g umah kazen) and now its 911pm, im still mengkaji2 those fpx nye codes yg banyak nak mati..siyes banyak class yg path nak carik die nye superclass or anak2 die sangat ssh..dahla byk declaration import yg xbes.. cam "import*". bile bende ini berlaku ssh aku nak trace mane certain methods come from sbb xde name class die..tros ltak star je,xbesh..damn! (sorry for non - IT readers).

theres only the 3 of us rite now..sume geng2 developer, me watie and shaz..haiyak, kete dahla park kt burger king..sgt jauh la..xpela experience keje malam during weekends malam ni aku nak chow from office at 11pm, and stret away tgk 3rd 4th..haish..keje weekend for free..buruh kasar..nice!!hahahahaha..las nite ajed lanje makan besar..thanx wpon ko kimak xajak bbq las yr sbb lupe..pale hotak ko!!


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