free labour, annie(ocbc), apartment, housemates, siti and datuk k, google, CONGRATULATIONS
it's been a while..yeah, i know. it's not that i'm lazy to post, or i don't have the mood..apparently, i dun have the TIME!!imagine working from 9.00 (err, i think it's 10 to be honest) till late at night every two days, going back at 1-2 am..i just don't have the time to do other stuffs. it's a fuckin boring life!! anyway i really hope this OCBC thingy ends soon.. god plz help us to find the solutions for all those problems..argh, i hate it when i am at the office at 2-3 am in the morning..feel pressured when i imagine the sweetness and lust of sleeping.tuesday nite, nazya was supposed to arrive at pudu around 1159pm but he end up forcing us to drive to pudu at 3am, i had less sleep on wednesday but managed to work till 130am..dammit i was sleepy that time..mmg hukuman!
i'm in ocbc rite now..not that tired and sleepy coz i woke up late..doing testing and deployment alone. if that was the only case, its finelah because stakat dok soang2 and being 'dikepung' by all these chinese workaholics in ocbc's it dept. its ok la tu be dikepung and do my work alone, like my boss azman ckp yesterday, "arien, how do u enjoy work?baru keje 1 week dah kene campak in the middle of the pool".. he refers to annie - the ocbc core banking fpx project manager..siyes garang cam sial.. kalah a sgale2 garang kt dunie ni.. i guess, this is the REAL a vendor i got to respect her but she sumtimes talk like i am a piece of shit[maybe ade gk a sket2,haha], so she'll get some lah.. sumtimes when she is talking gibberish and mumbling2 like hell, i'll just pick up the phone, pretending im talking and do the hand signal for her to wait as im busy..n1!
the new apartment is nice, really want to share the photos of the place with u guys..anyway sape2 nak dtg and chill out just give me a call..alamat rumah i also dono..i know its on the 4th floor aka 3A.. house number, i think..errrr, i really think its 7 but im not sure so dun give a damn about that but its rite in front of the surau on that floor.. nice kan, sume jadi TBG skang. i realized that many of u dunno what TBG is.. TBG stands for tabligh.. no offence to them, but this is what we call u..yes..TBG.. nothing offensive as well, just the usual-typical-3-letters-trademark.beyo and i bought quite a few things to brighten up our place so that it will not be so boring [cam nazya ngn mmq nye dulu] wahahaha..
we got 2 velvet maroon single sofas and a small coffee table right in front of the cheapskate tv and playstation2 facing a pink wall. eh, not facing but 'sandaring' the pink wall..the dvds are placed in a small basket bought from ikea.. the tv table was bought from ikea for 50bucks..thanks to epoi and ake for DIYing it..yoyie brought a maroon carpet from home and my mom got me one we got 2 side by side carpet in the living room. living room is rite beside the sliding door, we never close the sliding door sbb sgt layam udare kurang tercemar, (yeah right!). in the kitchen, there's a stove and a few stuffs la.. toilets are clean and nice..slesa a layam berak wahahahahaha..not much to tell but we end up enjoying staying there..g swimming pool everynite (swimming pool on the same floor) but surau xpnah jejak..koang ni nak jadi ape aaaaa? jadi engineer cikgu!!hasell..<- plz refer to cerite alipkeb time skola lu..kitrang kene maki ngn warden polek (cikgu ni kitrang panggil ponggong molek) sbb buat alipkeb glabah ni nak kene rotan...
polek - kamu ni alif, dulu baik..kamu nak jadi ape a?
alif - jadi engineer cikgu!!
(tros kene rotan on the spot, nice)
my room also ok laaa..kosong but dikemas dgn baik..hahahahaha, maybela.. my kemas level is like koang nyer buruk level la kot.. i'll upload the photos nanti lah, now very busy maa..some more xde kat office susah la no etnik kt ocbc ni..ade but habat..byk sites kene block!! ********************************************************* its official - housemates for E-3A-07,Flora Damansara1)Arien2)Yoyie3)Nazya for now, deckerz tgh tangguk duduk free..hahaha, cam sial!!tp xpelah, nnt kitrang buli soh die cuci toilet.. people yg dah pnah dtg makan,swim,kemas,pasang2 brg ikea,men gem,fia,mandi.. 1)epoi 2)ake 3)huda 4)wafa 5)fabog 6)mum
kenape malaysians cam suke menyebuk tpi kain oang len a? just leave what siti and datuk k wants to do lah..derang xkacau our lives so why must we??kan?? gle duit ke ape ke, knape nak kene send sms to papers and all..buat bodo dah aa..nnt kte kawen nnt dpt balasan oang kutuk2 xsuke..wahahahaha..xnak ckp byk2 psl ni..geliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
********************************************************** -> i heard sumwhere from the radio that google is now officially a word. usually it takes 15-20 years to get a word in a dictionary, but google took only 5.. google this, google that..hahahaha..xpnah pon oang ckp yahoo la bende tu..msn la bende tu..kecik ati engine lain xpat masok dictionary.. but still, google does not like it because they say it takes away the trademark of it.want to know more?? GOOGLE lah!!
congrats to wafa for his new job kat pj and nazya with his new job kat desa yg die lom confirm nak kene xnak sbb tunggu result interview petronas..congrats to me sbb kene keje till late nite everyday.. and congrats to me n beyo jugak sbb sket g nak dpt duit gaji,wahahaha.. congrats also goes to alan sbb akan buat SAP cert berharge 30ribu in october..giggsy mmq, congrats for..ntah..congrats sbb koang dpt kwn bes cam aku..nice!!hahahahahaa.nak congrats ke xnak a kt siti..xyah la, hahahahaha!!
"congratulations, and happylation lalalalalalalala.." <- lagu ni aku cam pnah dgr time kecik2 xigt dah.. adios~
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