Thursday, July 06, 2006

REAL last!!

after getting a few labour work at the office due to watie's absence (she has been in ocbc for the past 4 full days), i finally got a call from her to actually give a little hand for zainal(clb mutasi) and those two can't-talk-english-indians from india, i mean pure indians..they pronounce everything like de(the) with the pekat D, bildddd(build), stenddalound app(standalone), oowes(OS) - everything with perfect qalah2 kubra and sughra.

watie called me to help on in creating the log files for ocbc to view it from the jsp's created earlier. the must fucked up thing is during the NIPG (national internet payment gateway), the logs were web based and ocbc wants it in .pdf form. so, we created the logs using jasperreports (a java opensource method) and the problem was that was the first time in my entire life i came across that fuckin term. read! read! read! haish..only 2 days maa i got, very immoralized rite now.. so i think trow mmg kene stayback kt office la gamaknye..dammit! those indians pon xley pakai, asal soh derang explain, i need a indian-english dwibahasa dictionary.

so today, the jobs and tasks i did were:

  1. prepare a notice for the "hidden" intercom outside the glass door
  2. read about java struts
  3. prepare a log generator using jasperreport method
  4. angkat2 the tables for datuk and put carpet underneath those tables, yah..and the fridge also lol!
  5. the first time i berak kt office, quite nice tp xley isap rokok - who dares maa, the toilet is well equipped with smoke (or heat) sensors.. as well a fuckin motion sensor so that the lights will switch off by itself in 20 minutes if there are no movement - bodonye plaza konon gempak
  6. shak kok kt balcony about 4times only, angin bes gle
  7. on the way to the 60bucks parking lot, a guard that was on a golf buggy tumpangkan me to my car, worth all the money though - 60 bucks for an open space parking 5 minutes from office and a buggy ride..hahahaha
  8. godek2 pc buruk
  9. updated the camtech website..


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