Thursday, July 06, 2006

4 hari suda? tu dah 400ringgit..hahaha

4th day of work..watie still xde,ahahaha.. anyway id like to congratulate france for reaching the finals.. nice gile, really wanted france to move on to the finals as i knew derang tu kuat sbrnye, cume xjumpe buku ngn ruas (btol ke nih, haha).. so finally they defeated spain,brazil and also protugal. what a great achievement for them. zidane has always been my greatest player of the world.. a bit better than ronaldinho and for him to retire after the world cup finals, or even with the world cup is going to be one hell of a great achievement! salute to the legendary zizou..from the beginning, geng2 cirit shah alam (me and nyzas) has predicted france to win against brazil and also spain and we were correct - hebat gak a predict..hahaha!! if u guys sedar, france will play well when zidane plays well and after the knockout stages he showed everyone how to play football with beauty and intelligence.. people that plays any kinda sports with beauty and grace will be successful i guess (refer to roger federer, haha)..

portugal sucks! keje nak berlakon je..siyes baka!! sket2 nak jatuh, sket2 nak jatuh - serves them right losing to france last night.. go go croissant (not kuroya san, to yakitate lovers).

anyway, liverpool fc will be forcing and pushing chelsea all the way next season as we have completed several signings already.. the first one was craig bellamy from blackburn, mark gonzales' work permit has been approved, the young gabriel palleta has signed and finally fabio aurelio signed for free from valencia. and for me, robbie fowler will be fit and he is also considered a new signing..ynwa!

sambung lpas ni, pnat bakk.. tgh layan2 sun nyer website nak kasi java keras sket..hahaha..chowballerz


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