Wednesday, July 05, 2006

hari-hari sangap yg menjelang tiba

it's the third day of work and watie is still not around, bz with the ocbc testing and stuffs. anyway, after three days of chatting, surfing, time-wasting, blogging, fyabaing and also latest floor-wiping.. i've managed to earn rm300 to the fact that i earn rm100 per day, almost rm100 per day..last nite italy won the game quite fair and square as i watched the game with wafa,beyo,paid,nazya and sultan at NZ Wangsa now im damn groggy lah for sure tdo only for how many hours last nite..the fact that huda supports italy wat saye baka lebey sbb die asek blagak je, haish..anyway thanx dear for the dinner last nite..

today because im too sangap, i asked tey[network admin la kt cni] for some work.. mintak keje tuh..hehehehe!! it has been too boring and i'm soo bored sitting in front of the pc doing seems like i only exist here, not working nor living. there IS a difference between existing and working, pay attention! hahahaha.. i got the business card and as usual lah, software engineer nye post was given. anyway watie told that she wanted to give a junior IT consultant nye post on the business card but what the heck..i dun mind at all pon actually.. honestly the card looks kinda weird and not up to standard - agak pelik skek..sgt kosong nampaknye kad tersebut, bknlah nak ntah..abaikan.

owh damn! i just realized, kt blakang kad tu quite full with writings, haish and T,F,and W are used for tel,fax,web..damn xbes lansung..tapela free pon..abaikan skali lagi..

its 1120 now, office quite happening hahaha the ceo and cfo are here and i am blogging while buang mase sket2..haish..continue later lah..chow - cmon les blues, moge2 france vs italy!!


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