Thursday, March 03, 2005

parisian - part 1

(this is like a journal bout my life in paris - altho a week,hehe.. everyday ill write bit by bit so, if u mind, read from below please..its continuous. so if u read from top, u'll be a little bit blurred.. it starts from sheer experience..parisian, tq)

the day arrived (6-2-05)..
it was such a joyous and memorable day. i woke up quite early - 12pm n took a quick bath. it's common not having breakfast at home for me, so after getting ready(u know all those stuffs - no need to mention rite?) i quickly drove my car to subang parade. u see, last nite my sister realized that our 4mp olympus digicam's charger was faulty. so, i had to go to buy a new one as to go and change for a new one using warranties will take centuries. after arriving in sbg prd, i bought a brand new c12 charger that costs about 240. end of story. i rushed back home with the new charger and demm the led on the charger could not 'glow'. so, a new problem has evolved. i wanted to go to sbg prd again to check whether the battery or the charger that was rather faulty. but it was 430 pm!! so, it was quite late and i decided to borrow a digicam from my lilbro's frens. my frens, all lived around msia couldn't be reached by a short period of time(one in keramat, in subang, in muadzam, in seremban,melake,tronoh..haha),so there came a digicam from my bro's fren - his name was..wait a sec, what's his name..argh!! owh it was minzan (dono how to spell,haha). the digi cam was only 2mp but at least we got one to capture the moment of history.

going to the airport, imagine having 7 persons including my aunt nextdoor carrying 6 large suitcases - i mean it, really humongous, not enough, we also had our own onboard bags - like cute small suitcases -3 of them..hehe. and like personal bags, about 7pm we shot of to klia - one of the most glamourous airports in the world(it's true man!). 3 cars - perdana v6 drove by my uncle (apperently my aunt's husband nextdoor), my atoz carrying all the luggages drove by my mum's fren, and asri - ni bf akak saye..hahaha driving a gen2. arriving klia, we had a small dinner, maybe a light one.. at mcd. as the mcdonald outlet serves the name of fastfood restaurant, it serves the same objective as us,to be faster.. we were late actually, so we ate there..haha (actually it was my idea bcoz i was damn starving and really wanted a whole bigmac with fries and sundae..hehe). haa, i exchanged rm1100 ang got 220 euros..with the magic of my uncle's staff id, i got a little tiny whinny discount..hehe! at 1015pm, we went thru security and went to the boarding hall. our flight was at 1115pm.

after boarding, not parenz n aunt would be in 1st class, and the kids contradictly having stupid meals and boring shows at economy class..haha, in flight.. it was a damn boring 13hour flight to Charles de Gaulle, paris - cdg, dats wut my parenz call it.. the inflight movies were outdated and the food was..yikes - habat..haha. i spent most of the time wacthing juon omputih - grudge, cite bombe yg wafa suketuh(forgot the title)..playing nintendo games - there was the micro genius mario,cool! then....fiabajela! after 13hours of turbulance ride, we finally arrived paris, seemed to be a nice place from the airplane view, i could see excitement in our faces - only could see my sibs faces parenz wasn't there of course. and the plane landed swiftly and we have arrived at charles de gaulle..
-the end-


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