Thursday, March 24, 2005

the moorthy a/l sinniah semban

hah! a prominent name for semestarian, no need to introduce moorthy at all (spelled out his name with great rekaan and malas pikir, moreover sinniah semban is definitely not his father's name, but my gurubesar back in primary school). what had moorthy done to us that every single student that came accross the border of semesta, or sains raub or like the raubians pronounce it - 'semeste' .. as in 'se' like 'sekolah', 'mes' as in 'mesti', and 'te' like 'teman'.. hahaha!! ko jg men men fazrey(n) (u have to mimic kalai's voice k - wafa sure tau!).. moorhty was a decent man, i have seen him, in fact we have all seen him doing his 'job' that you know what (wah, cam harrypotter lak).

so, everyday when the girls threw their pads - hhoho, sensitip x? not the shin pads or shoulder pads, but paham2la and when guys threw bekas sabun(what the heck those guys have been doing with soap inside the jamban oftenly) in the toilet bowls..and also when there were shampoo bottles, cigarette packs, and other stuffs like panties and underwears( not included muha's joe boxer).. MOORTHY will come to the rescue!

maybe many knew what he was doing but how he did it?maybe nope.. u know, this moorthy guy was a decent man, he got thousands from our mohamed yahya just to scuba dive in the sewers of semesta - yikes! but it was the truth. every month, when the pengetua called him, he'll come to school and, he'll then take off his clothes and jump into the sea of faeces to be unrude or shit to be impolite also known as taik - or teeos's fave biological waste. he dived in the sewer and find fot those things that were thrown inside the toilet bowl and made the pipe system kaput. or to be simple, bg lubang jamban sumbat and sume salur2 air kt skola. thanx guys and gals to throw those stuffs, without u guys or without us, macamana azim mau makan, eh camner moorthy mau carik makan..hehe, he'll be damn bored swimming in lata lembik or lata jarum. sewer of semesta would definitely be more fun and exciting.

that's the story of moorthy, the most efficient worker in semesta back in those days. for now, i don't know whether he is still working or he is already a millionairre or even i don't know if he's dead or what.. haha, nvm bout at - thanx moorthy.. haha - haselje blog ni, damn bored and my sv just called to see her with all my work and stuffs..damn~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fellow semestarian!
i have forgotten about moorthy, and this post brought that memory back. heheh, besar kan jasa dia kat sekolah tu. unsung hero.

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, do you know where Sinniah Semban is now? He used to be my headmaster back in Simpang Lima too. You must have been from the primary school!

7:56 PM  

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