Wednesday, August 30, 2006

vacation di utp - day 1

hari jumaat.. plan mmg nak grak utp mlm ni wpon aku, aku pon set ngn wafa jumpe kt flora kol 9mlm so ley tros grak.. aku ade miting mlm tu so prukpak sume kol 930 aku smpai umah kitrang tros grak g dinner kt hantu branch dsara.. punye hebat kedai hantu ni die ade branch kt kg sg penchala tp kai name along 45..hahahaha!! kol 1120 camtuh kitrang grak konvoi 2 kete..kete aku ngn kete pa g utp.. aku mmg tahap super fyb mlm tu, ye a..bangun pagi jumaat tu g keje..then tros grak g utp. lam hati mmg excited gle sbb no.1, mmg excited nk blk utp menyetelkan wishlist aku, n no.2 excited nak konvo laa.. and no.3 aku rase srunuk dan truje sbb aku dpt cuti seminggu, setelah behempas pulas setelkan SIT OCBC, dpt gk rest - vacation ke tronoh..mlm tu, pa drev sampai sungkai je anta kete kt apak die then tros join kete aku sampai utp.sampai tronoh around 230 pagi tros g sithick. kitrang pon tros call epoi sume soh kompol kt sithick. malam tuh geng2 cirit xdpt join sbb semestinye derang tgh cirit kt ipoh.. tensen tol ngn kaki2 judi itu.. sampai2 je sitik aku pon tros order minuman kegemaran aku.. mango nataw de coco fruit tree yg kt sithick berharge rm1.50. cam biaselah, " bos, mango xmau ais".. pa pon order bende same. pas2 mamat yg terer wat roti pisang highba tu punye hebat die tros buatkan aku roti pisang ngn pa roti milo. bangge gle jadi warge sithick sbb xyah order dah dpt makanan.. hahahahahha!! lpas epoi sume sampai ngn markyie, pendek, alan, mmq sume.. kitrang burak2 sampai kol 4 pagi camtuh and cite2 psl treser hunt yg akan berlansung keesokan paginye.. lpas blk bilik around 420 kitrang pasang2 stiker and burak lagi.. dah lame xjumpe dak2 tuh sume so kencang gk a borak.. lam kol 530 ke 600 pagi camtuh aku pon fia memandangkan aku xtdo beberape jam dah ngntok cam siall..sok plak kene bgn kol 7 sbb flagoff kol 8 sharp dr mainhall utp tu.. aku pon fiaaa.. tamatlah vacation di utp day 1..

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

short one!! ke long short? sapa..

waaa, lame bakk aku x updet, sbrnye sgt sibuk ngn convo harituh and xde time lansung nak updet but there were LOADS of story, funny ones, great moments, saat2 menyakitkan hati dll. and i promise i'll post it maybe after merdeka or that week end lah. bcoz skg tgh buat UAT kt ocbc ssh sket nak post. position pc yg xnice hehehe.. it will be a LONG one for sure. before ending this short post, id like to wish happy graduation day cum convocation day to all gradderz especially wafa,alan,nazya,beyo,clb,sha,jaja,noran,apid,fira,zura,diyana and fina..may our future lies in good hands (btol ke ayat nih??ntah ltop saje).. bbq tabo tunggu beyo kimak manjang ade hal je..bodo nye beyo!xpe beyo aku saba je tunggu, cheh!! ok la kwn2, aku nak sambung UAT kt level 10 lak skg, hahaha.. anyway, kat lam bilik ni ade soang dak pompuan utp yg duduk semeja time convo dinner tu, tp xto name dier, anyway harituh x dpt amek gamba byk time convo, agak xpela life goes on and nnt amekla time2 laen cam bbq tabo, got to go first, bz bz bz!~

Friday, August 18, 2006


now its 830 pm..kt ofis tgh tunggu shaz utk shirt meeting ngn watie. shaz ni officemate aku laa..die telebey rajen la plak nak keje sampai wt aku tunggu. haish.. aku nak lek utp ni..arghh!! hopefully by 11 aku ley grak dah sbb sok treser hunt. treser hunt lak baka kene wat 2 kete. gle down.. tp xpela what to do dr xley masok lansung..hmm, penat bakk nih..

anyway nak ckp aku srunuk sbb dirk kuijt dah join liverpool. so season ni 1st time wat spending spree.. nice gle, sume aku puas ati laa..siyes srunuk..k laa nak meeting hahaha..chalos

saje pos2 sbb busan..

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

20 things...

convocation is very very near, one week plus to go. and that means con'vacation' to me. after 7 weeks of huffing and puffing all the way working in the 'real world', now i realize how difficult and pathetic it is to earn some extra bucks in life. i'm eager and super looking forward to get back there and relax for a week in tronoh (i can't believe i'm saying this!) and the excitement of getting there is even more than masturbating while watching jenna jameson having sex..(yeke?! cam tpu je) haa, about jenna j, there was a story that the super hunk dave navarro is going to leave carmen electra for jenna j. imagine, a super hottie baywatch babe to another super hottie but not a baywatch babe, but a pornstar! ironic rite.. going from a lifesaver(a woman that saves thousands of lives from drowning while showing her boobs) to another lifesaver(a pornstar that saved millions of guys by showing her boobs and have sex on live screen) - nice!!

going back to utp after two months and also after graduating will be a really nice moment, i will savour each and every single second there. i missed those times, seriously! i'm bursting into tears while typing this, sob sob. before proceeding to this post, i'd like to inform u guys that beyo has a new car, yeay yeay!! clap2.. welcome to the world of proton..hahahahaha!! next stop, your right side or left front window to be repaired..hehehe!! anyway, nazya is being left alone in the kancil rempit club. nevermind because he has turbo charges in his BEK, laju gak laa huhu - no hard feelings!

ok lets continue, for this time i will list down the 20 things that i will do when i get back to UTP this friday till the next sunday..and yes, i've applied for my leave of five days informally to watie yesterday.i hope she will approve it, and i think she will lah of course.

1. nak pegi sithick makan kambing 2 ekor sambil beli mango nata de coco sebanyak 2 katon (i got the news that mango kat ctuh berlambak2 xabes sbb aku ngn pa dah xde. kesian kt cafu xdpt jual dah. baru je die dah tambah order kat vendor sbb las sem asek abes jer..kesian die, tula xtanye aku dah nak grad ke blom)
2. nakg makan kt kedai hantu (nak mkn nasi campuq sepam ngn telur bungkus - nak pow abg mat soh lanje la)
3. layan premiership kat sithick (tmpat cirit plg nice ngn dak2 ni sume, dahla fantasy dah start, baka2!!)
4. nak men bola, eh xnak xnak.. nnt sore dtg ketuk kaki futsal kt ipoh ngn dak2 sume dahla. pa, organize skg!!
5. nak men CS sepam, lame gle dah xmen gle rindu duh
6. nak lunch kt jaya!!! ayam tepung 2 ktol, ngn kuah asam pedas.. sambil2 tuh ley jumpe mundoq tue wat air kt ctuh
7. nak jumpe atuk aku dan anjingnye kt area2 sithick, sure die adenye sbb die ley rase aku ade situ (6th sense maa)
8. nak burak ngn epoi.. eh xjadi la, mau xtdo aku hahahaha <- yg ni kensel
8. ni number 8 balik sbb td nye xjadi. nak layam treasure hunt. go kumpu-lancap-ayam!!! jom mng sepam g!
9. nak layam bluan blank yg baru2..mesti ade nye kan kan kan?hahahaha..
10. nak fiya kol 7 pagi bangun kol 7 malam..dah lame duh xbuat camni. sejak keje ni plg busuk2 lambat pon aku bgn weekday harituh 11.30 pagi, tuh pon dah cuak2 kebebeh dah g ocbc.
11. chattttaaazzzzz!!!!!!!!
12. nak lepak kt sume rumah. blok a,b,c (bukanla sume rumah yg bermaksud 1 floor 4 rumah X 5 floor, 3 blok jadi 60 umah. nak lepak sume umah dak2 ni laa..huhu)
13. nak titik markyie,paid,pendek,shiam,sape2 g la men winning 11
14. nak g layam seafood kat lumut (tp aku xde duit, baru 20 aribulan gaji xmasok g..tgh tinggal bape ringgit je ni haaa)
15. TAKNAK..repeat ek, TAKNAK open table utk kawan2.. koang la open table utk gradderz. soang kua 50 sen. darab2, dapatla aku nasi lemak kambing ngn fruit tree 3 - harge official makanan sithick aku. rm 8.50 + gudang sebatang = rm9.00
16. nak amek scroll - konfem a.. nak convo!!! trujer gle nih nak amek scroll, wihewwwwwww!!
17. nak layan gitar aku yg mel curik dah lame gle xreti2 nak pulang. mel aku nak amek ni..padan muke ko!! g kumpul duit bli baru aaaa, bukan mahal pon - jual je konye kete tu. kete tuh bkn ko pakai pon!! hahahaha, kene kene!!!!!!!
18. surela nak lepak burak2 ngn kwn2!! bak kate pendek, "dak2 skolah len petronas ckp masok utp soh blaja. tp dak2 semesta petronas ckp dtg utp soh kacau dak2 len blaja". pendek yg tertekan sll kene kaco ngn aku,pa,jub,epoi..nice!! aku nak buat epoi xg kelas sminggu,ahahahaha..alaa poi, sminggu xg kelas sure ko lg tinggi dr pendek gk, hahahaha..
19. nak befes kt either roca rase2 4 ktol ataupon NLT!!
20. hmmmmm..hmmmmmm.. sbenarnye byk sgt ni, aku rase ade 19 je.. tp kalo 19 xsdap jadikan 20 nampak cam best sket..huhuhu!!

tuhla die bende2 aku nak buat yg mmg first priority aku laaa. len2 tuh nnt xpenting tp terbuat gk cam mandi, berak, makan lanbeg, g rahmath, tgk tv, kaco blank bish3 (wat pc bodo die), tlg paid wat report huhu, dll!! hopefully it will be a wonderfull 10 day vacation for me!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

wiken habat

what to say.. bbq cancelled - again! kali ni beyo lak ade hal bcoz of his car lambat siap and tpakse blk bentong utk kali ke 8ratus dalam mase seminggu. wah, 800 kali seminggu..maknenyer sehari cam 115 kali gak a balik bentong.. huhu. aku tgh sangap and super looking forward nak blk utp weekend ni. xmintak cuti g ni, still tgh pikir how to construct those words nampak cam yakin dan bergaye. i always managed to do those stuffs..kencing oang sane sini but sometimes with watie aku segan sket. i dun want the conversation nnt jadi camni.."watie, my convo nex week. i nak amek cuti seminggu".."arien, u igt i xmasok uni ke dulu cuti sampai sminggu?" .. nnt aku tediam, pas2 cuak..hahahaha.. demm tlg la bjaye. mmg aku print out schedule for convo n edit sket2 kasi nampak panjang, hahahaha.. jahat aku ni. tp what to do convo once in our whole life and xkan nak g amek scroll pas2 tros blk kott..i want to get back those feelings lepak2 kt utp..n ill miss those times. work is hell boring and for a non-boring person like me, it stinks to go to work! tp yg bes nyer like we dun need to keco2 xde duit this n that la. if we can control sket, no problem la - kottt.. for now!

nothing much happened, memule g wedding abang ajed, went there with zop ngn zai. xmakan pon, tp kene angkat hadiah masok kete..chett!! baka lebey itu budak dad plak just came back from abudhabi and we had dinner kt chilli's midvalley. wanted something else like amarin ke but ntah, end up kt ctu gak. nak bli tie xjadi2 sampai skg and i think ill sebat my dad nye tie la - kaler black and maroon kot. malas plak nak choosy2 sgt. ahad plak kua ngn huda g klcc shopping sket. managed to buy a 1gb pendrive. tula pendrive pertame yg aku bli lam idop aku..sangat sayang akannye. huhu..rm70 je.brand toshiba, zop a pilih, bodo tol, kalo xbes siap ko..malam plak tgk charity shield ngn dak2 ni kt NZ. honestly, it was the best performance by liverpool against chelsea in years. perfect! everyone was perfect.. tp nobody's perfect? ok ok, everyone played superbly..huhu! we won 2-1 and it was a nice wrap up for the great weekend. sbbnye aku xg keje pon 2-2 hari..nice bariong, anda akan makin dibenci! hahahahaha..

my convo nyer suit dah siap, lame dah siap actually but smalam dah siap pendekkan the pants and gosok and dryclean.. test2 skek kt umah rase cam sgt segak dan bergaye..wahahahaha!! tp bukan suit putih soyat aa..huhu. siyesly aku berdoa kpd tuhan yg esa harap2 soyat xbace blog aku.. siyes kalo die bace, koang2 sumer redi buat kenduri arwah ek? tanam aku kt klang dah la..tpi bukit kt masjid kaler kuning tuh.. xyah jauh2..huhu! tuh kalo soyat bacela. my shirt this year kaler pink. jadi pinky donald sket, xtau la ok ke x.. nampak cam oang tua plak tbe2.. tp ok kott. aku bjaye bli suit itam belang kacis, shirt pink, kasut bonia mak aku pilih yg agak ketuaan bak kate adik aku,

dah a, xde bende bes pon berlaku lam idop aku..nak blog pon xde mud. ngntok saje..nite sume! (padehal br 12 tgh hari) weh ciriterz..jum fantasy!!nice gle truje gle nak fantasyyy

Friday, August 11, 2006

saye jahat, kerete free?, debutants, bbq, haiyak

yeay harini dah jumaat.. smmgnye hari jumaat sgt bergaye sbbnye ley lunch 3jam, hoho..xbaik aku. tol2, marilah g smyg jumaat!! anyway harini aku plan nakg klcc mase lunch nak tman watak X g membeli belah baju convo. aku xley tulis name watak tu sbb xbaikla kan tulis name oang len xg smyg jumaat. hahahahahaha~ arini aku soloranger g kat ocbc. dah 3hari aku soloranger tp aku lakzjer sbb dah hebat skang ialah pos hasel!


haaaa, bende ni berlaku mase kames senja arituh. aku tgh balik dr ocbc naek lrt n turun la kat putra bangsar sbb kete aku park kat ctuh. sampai2 je kt lrt tuh nampak cam meriah semacam je ramai plak oang2 kt ctuh yg tgh bediri2 cam borak2 aku wat donno jela. sampai kat kete tbe2 ade minah cine ni dtg. dgn loghat cine die, die ckp

cinepompuan - cing co ceng hua maa chow walow cing cek ngaa
cine(aku) - huh? i dun speak chinese la..sori
cinepompuan - waaaaaaaaaaa, abg melayu meh? [ngn muke pandai berlakon tekejut]
cine(aku) - yelaa, nak ape? [kimak aku nak g shopping ni jgn a kaco]
cinepompuan - waa abg umur blape?manyak pandai ini, buleh bli keleta maaa..
cine(aku) - saye mmg bakat pon [sbrnye ayah saye bli wahahaha]
cinepompuan - abg, abg slalu shopping dkat mane? saye ni dali bla2 ade 'pomowtion' utk beri voucher free saje. abg hanye perlu buka ini sampul dan tros tandatangan n bwk pegi kedai la n shopping laptop ke pc ke
cine(aku) - x minat!! lgpon saye dah ade dah sume tuh[aku dah taula trick ni,wahaha]
cinepompuan - abg, ini free saje lagipon tlgla..saye mau dpt komisyen
cine(aku) - yela, saye dah lambat ni xde mase nak dgr cite nak bagi sampul baktang!!! [bukak jela kang die xnak blah plak]

haaaaaa, koang tau x cite alan ngn nazya yg kene bende yg same??huhu.. alan kene kat rnr sg buloh last sem ,mase kitrang blk kl kjap time fyp alan cite kat aku sbb mamat cine tuh siap ade kt ctuh g. nazya lak kene ade oang ketuk pintu umah aku kt flora time tuh..samung blk kt cite aku..lpas aku koyakkan sampul bodo kaler ijo tuh die pon amek la sampul tuh

cinepompuan - mali saye tgk abg menang ape.. [tbe2 die terdiam mate tebeliak sambil tlompat2 muke dah kua air mate.. hebat gle minah ni blakon]..abg abg, waaaahh wahhhh abg tau x abg menang ape?? salam saye dulu mari2..
cine(aku) - [alaaa, mesti kerete nye].. haa ape ye? kerete kott..
cinepompuan - yela, waa abg..tahniah2, abg mng kerete perdana.. ok2, abg pegi ofis dptkan cop n sign, tros ley mng kerete.. cpat abg, yeayyy yeayyyy..
cine(aku) - hmmm [gle kimak minah ni terer nak mati blakon, kalo yg lelaki sure xbakat camni, sampai air mate kua duh..kagum] xnak laaaa!!
cinepompuan - abg, kenape ngn abg ni, kerete pon xnak ke?? haaaa?
cine(aku) - xnak!
cinepompuan - ok, tenkiu! [sambil tros blah]

persoalannye.. kalo la bebetol mng kete nape die blah camtuh je lpas aku ckp xnak secare keras 2 kali? soklan kedue, nape byk ngn kampeni nak bg kete ni apefakk? soklan ketige, dah xde soklan dah..huhu. alan dulu mng kete waja, nazya mng kete nice skek, toyota kott kalo xsilap, aku lak perdana. hahahaha!! mase harituh aku ngn nazya dah glak2 psl bende ni sbb nazYa kene time las 2 weeks. alan a first kene tp die xcite kt ramai oang.. tp yg nazya mmg klaka a sbb mamat tuh ketuk pintu n lpas nazya mng kete gak, mamat tuh ckp 'abang, bagi saye call supervisor saye saye xde kredit. pinjam hp abang ley?" time tuh mmg bodo bakk la..

aku dah bincangkan bende ni ngn nazya sbrnye, time harituh lepak kt flora ade la soang budak utp ni..die soang pompuan name die dirahsiekan.. nazya nampak la mamat yg bagi sampul surat "Wah, abg mng kereta" kt minah tuh pas2 minah tuh cam tepengaruh a..tbe2, kitrang glak2 nazya ckp.. tbe2 tunggu 10minit tgk minah tuh bwk blk kete honda.. ngangak! hahahaha.. tuhla cerite die, kalo koang nak tes2 manela tau ley mng kete.. g la carik2 oang2 camni, sngje sure ade..skg makin menular ni,huhu.. anyway, aku xnakla mng kete aku nak mng moto je tula aku minum ali cafe..hahahahaha.. hasel!! "saye menang motttoo"~


waa debutants scored on their debut, n1 to mark gonzales and craig bellamy!! ynwa..


weh gradderz, wiken ni bbq.. kamans2 kalo lg power bwk a makanan sket2 hahahahaha


actually tgh sgt2 bz skg so sori if post2 sume xbes hasel n pendek2.. cam sgt susah nak bloggaz kt ocbc ni..down! anyway, happy treasure hunting to treasure hunters sekalian..

Monday, August 07, 2006

isnin yg buhsan, soulyat? fumble, GE, sultan ngn nazya si ikan paus, liverpool kit

hmm, its monday. monday is usually the worst start of the week. actually minggu ni cam relax sket thanks to the network connection between ocbc and meps, the MEPS SIT Test is being stopped for network checking and configurations. nice gak a because xyah bz bz struggle bace logs yg tramat banyak. so, lepak kt ocbc doing nothing and sambil2 tu layan soccernet ngn skysports,, godek2 sane godek2 di samping lepak2 tu ade la buat changes on codes yg watie suruh smlm. the best part is watie soh aku edit and pikir camne nak tuka process of the application yg semestinyer sgt susah bagi aku. mase kt uni nak buat application bodo2 pon tekial2, ni watie igt aku ni dewa j2ee ke po. aku masih struggle ngn penggunaan java yg basic. karat gler babi.. nak pass2 value pon dah lupe, apetah pass javabeans..adeih.. agak susah edit code oang start from scrap lagi sangap. aku gune java api (bukan adik aku yer) utk gune macam2 method lam java tu tp cam susah babi nak pakai sbb basic lemah, hahahaha.. so harini aku harap2 xyah blk ofis.. dah muak asek dok ofis sampai mlm2 n wiken. tlgla cpat convo ni aku nak amek seminggu leave sbb nak lepak ngn dak2 kt utp..arghhhhhhhh cpat la mase..isk2..


wiken lpas mmg sangap cam sial, sabtu aku balik klang tgk atuk aku kt spital then lepak2 umah nenek aku jap pas2 aku pon tros blk umah dasara sbb keje ari ahad. tp malam tu lomon ngn zop dtg layan winning so bes gkla fosing2 men gem sampai lebam. ahad tu aku struggle lepak ofis ngn otak yg xde mud, so ble keje je sume xjalan.. otak jd lembap sbb tensen. nazya sutan lomon ngn beyo g basket kt um. tbe2 soyat tanye, "yoyi men basket ke?"..aku tros tegelak sendirian. soyat ni ialah watak rempit kancil yg agak ganas. die dak staroba. tp smlm ade satu kejadian yg sgt klaka. die blk je umah die ckp."arien, kete audi sape kt bwh, sblah paking rumah". utk pengetahuan korang paking kitrang dah designated la 2 slot. so ley knal la paking sblah2 mane yg kosong dan mane yg tidak. aku pon ckp, "audi?sapa?". lam hati aku aku tau tuh mesti kete honda lomon. mase dak2 basket blk aku tanyela lomon. "weh mon, kete honda ko park B2 eh?". mmg tpat soyat so rempit kete dah salah! die kate honda lomon tuh audi. kantoi!! tlg la soyat xbace blog aku, kalo x sure aku kene pukul, adeih!


aku pnat bekerje..sok kene g GE (great eastern) lak sbb kene g datacentre ocbc..malasnyer kene bgn pagi2 sampai sane at 9am kene bgn cam beyo,baka bakk!!


sultan soh cite pasal "bang2, ikan paus bang!"..ngn "bang2, ikan duyung bang!" ..ngn "bang2, ikan yu bang" tp aku xreti sgt sbb aku xde di tempat kejadian..hahahaha, tp sumerang kene tau duh cite tu..hahahahahah!! glak bakk.sultan, ko je la tulis kt blog ko ..nazya skali..taula 7e xde net, hahaha..


i think the new liverpool kit rocks! really, sgt2 lawa aku rase..ngn si liverbird kacis2 di buntut.. aku nak bli gak wpon harge die 250..hahahahaha..

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


harituh aku lupe nak cite..mase hari kebakaran (refer to previous post) tuh terjadi, wafa ngn fabog dtg melawat mlm tu sbb saje2 la ade shiang dengang mattang (geng ganung) kt umah aku. derang sampai around 1230 am. aku ade bli blind 2 ktol nak ltak kt tingkap yg pagi2 ade bende akan menyinar kt situ. bende tuh ialah matahari pagi yg kaya ngn vitamin d ke ape ke yg aku xsuke. sbb kaco tdo aku a semestinye. so aku pon ble 2 blinds yg kene gantung kai skru yg ade cangkuk tu. tp problem die camne aku nak skru ke dinding batu, mane logik sial. so pa pon bg idea kt umah die ade drill. yg bunyik bising tula, drill berjename bosch. wafa ngn fabog pon sampe n kitrang time tuh tgh men winning eleven ramai2 huha2 wat cam kt utp, lupelak yg ade jiran tetangge di sekeliling. kitrang pon sebat jela gelak2 sambil aku pa ngn fabog sibuk drill dinding.. "greeeennngggg" bunyik drill yg cam salah je penggunaan bunyik aku.. greeeng cam bunyik mel men tulang badan die..greng greng, hasel! ok lpas drill2 tuh tbe2 pakgad suloh2 kai torchlite dr bwh maybe sbb bising sgt.

yela ko bayangkan dulu time f5 men boling lam dorm pon roskam ley dgr dr umah die yg cam 500meter dr blok kitrang. nikan drill berkuase 400hp yg die kt bwh tuh je..sure jiran2 dah komplen, tp kitrang wat bodo je..die suluh2 kitrang pon stop jap,pas2 samung lek, hahahahaha!! pas2 die wat bunyik kai mulut tuh.. camne aku nak tulis ni demm! chwit ke butuh apeke xkesa la..nazya lak g layan chwit2 dr atas, baka gle pakgad tuh..pas2 gelaknye gelak sampai tbe2 ade oang ketuk pintu.. tok tok tok!! nampak a kaki dr bayang2 bwh pintu tuh..byk kali mamat tu ketuk.lam mase 0.35 saat, rumah jd sunyi sepi lampu dah tepadam n tv tuh elok je on ngn winning tp oang sume ilang dah lari masok bilik nazya, bilik aku ngn beyo..hahahahahaha!!mmg hebat menyuruk kitrang ni.

lpas dah nyuruk lam bilik, still ade ktok..tok tok tok tok tok!!kitrang wt dono jer.. padehal oang tu bodo, pintu kayu tuh ley je men tolak je,wahahaha.. tp maybe die xsdar pintu tuh osak dah, hahahaha!!! pas2 dah 2-3 minit snyap..ade tok tok tok gak..rupenye nazya wt klaka die ktok pintu bilik die..bodo nye nazya botak (nazya dah botak kembali slpas naza keje 7e hari pertame smlm)..abesla cite..lpas tngu 30minit oang tuh blah, kitrang pon turun la g syed makan roca cirit. name roca tuh roca cirit sbb beyo asek cirit je lpas makan roca tu, kitrang sume lakzjer die je ngade. bodo bentong peghut lemoh!! haa, 1 g.. pagi td aku bgn tdo then suddenly ade bau kebakaran ngn asap byk gk..sah cine bwh smayang..hahahaha!!