Saturday, December 23, 2006

bariong kembali!!

SOOOOO much happened in my life during the last 2 months i stopped blogging. there were a few good reasons why i stopped and the main one was because i just transferred to kuantan and i was kinda "lost". not enough time to write (ni reason jela).. and also not in da mood of doing that. u know, writing is an art that needs the writer to be well "fit" for the job and currently in the mood of doing so. so, 2 bulan ni mmg aku xde mood lansung.. hahahaha!! tambah plak ngn shoutbox yg bodo tuh dah tuka kampeni ke ape kua paswed2 la plak skt hati tol..ill find another suitable one very soon k?

anyway, if nak cite ape jadi sume sgt byk so i think i will only recap bende2 penting jela and one of it is wafa is here too.. working in the same company with me (thank god!) and kitrang duduk satu rumah skrang kt beserah. FYI, this monday we will be shifting out to balok(babi lalok) just because of one reason. ley g keje lambat n ade la port nak tdo2 time lunch ke jumaat ke, hahaha.. obviously it is only 2minutes away from the plant.. mmg mati la aku bau chemical je everyday. hmm, next week after raya haji floyderz will be coming (i hope so derang dah besa2 ni dah grad xreti nak tabo2 lg).. trow plak housemate aku bertunang and kene la kemas2 sket.. last nite aku,pa,halim ngn haidhir g karok..hahaha, lame dah xkarok jumpe plak tpt yg agak bes la kt cni.. hmm, td pesot dtg ngn member cine die kitrang g makan sifud kt TC (tlok cempedak for those yg xtau hahaha).. hmm, diyana n ayuni kat cni gk working with basf.. and all in all ade 5 dak utp batch aku yg ade kt gebeng..

waa, besepah2 aku bercerite ni.. hahaha. nnt aku citela lagi.. ni tgh try carik rhythm je ni.. hmm, haaa satu g aku bjaye bli amp gitar rm1000 harituh with my gaji yg kedue..hahahaha.. gaji ketige dah xto nak buatpe.. sape nak soh aku blanje plz email to me eh? xpon sms..hahahahaha.. ok a weh. parui nak ajak g MEGA (megamall)..chalos bebeh.. meri krismes!!