Tuesday, January 17, 2006

yeah..do it..talk about my f**kin blog yg xupdated lansung ni..

suddenly i felt like writing again..due to my special laziness in my heart n soul.. dun come now n then n ask for writings..when i want to do it, or i feel like doing it.. it will be there..its been a while..7months holidaying from this blog..yeah..so much to write eventually kalaula ade mase..but shit internet at utp slow and blah2 all the reasons n excuses come..haha.. what the hell.. anyway im in abudhabi.. loads of hot chicks here.. damn serious.. n loads of things to do and things to buy..did a lot of shopping..maleh nak cite panjang but still these were the stuffs i did in point form..haahaha

1. shopping at approx 8 super gigantic shopping malls - abudhabi mall, marinamall, alain mall, ibnbatuttamall, emirates mall..splash la apela..whatsoever xigt dah byk ngat
2. wanted to see an air show but due to sand storm cancelled, damn
3. went to global village (shoping yg besa babi with 34 countries altogether..xlarat aku)
4. went desert touring.. super cool.. going thru the desert with a jeep and a fucking mad driver named muhamad..die men redah je all the dunes..then ade dinner tgh2 desert with bellydancers and shisha..nicely done
5. went skiing.. shit dlm shoping complex.. beware, skiing is fuckin dangerous and difficult..utk lutut yg cacat dan lemah, i swear..dun try it..
6. shopping again
7. eating all those arabian food - shawarma, kebab, tikka, ape g..xtau dah name..its always bread and chicken and mutton..hahaha, thx to my dad who now transformed his tounge into a pak arab's
8. sight seeing - moden duh negare ni
9. tgk tv yg ade 450 channels - wtf.. camne duh, penah layan 130 cenel je.. tp cenel 237,238 ade bluan sket..tp ade cam lagi 20cenel dah lock..sialam
10. taking pictures of funny looking signboards
11. usya chickas arab yg hottieba hahaha
12. xigt dah..tp 2minggu lepak cni kekadang busan kekadang ok la..

dah cukop..tata..ahlan wasahlan..nnt aku rajen aku ltak gamba..cni net slow cam haram, blk ade strimik


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