Thursday, June 16, 2005

keje yg habat

aku dpt keje ni minggu ni..xphm ape yg kene buat tp my sv fwdkan this mail kat aku.. sapacerit..

hi wati,

here's what i've come up so all boils down to 4 items..

//ok aku bg koang satu item je nak sial jer

#6 (a,b,c)

the error is thrown because it has a built in dependency on certain tables in the fdra database schema, used for setting the merchant CAID n CATID.

to resolve this quickly, install the FDRA schema using the scripts. it's ok if u don't use the schema as it hardly takes up any space. this will allow u to set the CAID/CATID via the admintools.

the tables in the FDRA schema can be used by your MEPS AM to acces the CAID/CATID as this info is not passed thru the switch.

NB: this is the area where possible customisation can be performed in removing FDRA references and schema. this will require significant code changes.

the proposed solution above is faster.

kesimpulannyer,sapa weh??!!!!


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