Saturday, February 26, 2005

anime lovers..

hehe..many have said that people just overrate those animes as if they are not as they are said.. but for me,and my colleagues..haha,we are one of a damn anime and manga lovers (not hentais k..hehe - except for alan maybe..) . so, for one whole reason, i could not even explain how those damn japanese could even think to create such emotional and thoughts of theirs and express them in powerful animes.. it's just too amazing to watch people said, in certain parts of the show, bulu roma meremang..haha..bcoz of the highs and lows of the show..'s just i'm amazed by the japanese to have such an idea in creating the series..such simple yet meaningful and creative shows cartoons, or wider known as anime. i do not follow up most of them but for me some of the best created mangas or animes (jap shows) are likely to be..

dragonball, penyiasat remaja, misteri naga, naruto, onepiece, bleach, yakitate japan..golden boy??hehe..hunterxhunter, fullmetalalchemist,bleach..there are many more,zillions of them..but to name a few that i really like..hehe..rite wafa??hehe..we share the same damn room for 4years..same school..and the same damn interest in movies, animes, cartoons, models, food..but one fuckin thing that we would not share is i will alwiz be a kop and u'll be a devil forever..sigh~.. peace mate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

kemak bile aku suke hentai. huhu...

3:21 PM  
Blogger ariencinariong said...

eleh lan..wat2 xtau plak..hehehe, slalu ko je layam kt bilik ko gelap2..hahahaha..demm

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

powerla cine.. ko kene layam team medical dragon.. manga superb gle.. tnga top skang.. tp cm manga utk dak2 medic la kot haha.. papehal bes sbb ade porno2 skek dan die br 11 chapter.. dload kat sini --> konek wafa hensem

1:14 PM  
Blogger ariencinariong said...

haha..butuh sial ko..wakaka, xde link len ke nak buat..sperb xasly duh..haha..ok ok,aku layam kt umah ake apetah samurai champlu taik..skt otak aku..ok ok..layam ayan

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh ko dh layam ke tu?!.. ake beria nk kasi aku tgk sial.. eh bile lak ko g umah ake?.. bes ke x cite tuh? ke habat?

1:27 PM  
Blogger ariencinariong said...

die cam agak buduh a..wat mase ni aku blom layanjela cam biase..haha,arituh aku g umah ake wiken sabtu malam..pas2 bengong fia situh tros..ko jgn cayer ckp ake..die peminat anime yg habat..aku tgk 2episod aku dah ley bajet cite tuh..aku tbe2 ckp..weh, aku tgk season tuh br aku tau duh..cpat gle ko bajet..haha..buduh la zake

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sapabend aku xphm sial ko ckp ape.. cube ko ckp leklok sket..

3:10 PM  
Blogger ariencinariong said...

haha..aku bace rupenye aku pon xphm.wakaka,kire anime tuh biasejela..ok la..blom truje

mase tgh tgk eipsod 4
arien - ake, si ninja yg derang carik ni mesti bapak pompuan ni kan
ake - uisk, mane ko tau duh..aku tgk season due br aku tau sbb popuan tuh ckp
arien - alorh, gle lemau ko ni

kesimpulan..ake agak lembap..wakaka

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anime tuh mmg best aar hahaha.. tp mmg bodoh2 skit laa..

1:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ko kena tgk aar pa hahaha ptu mti terfia kerana kebodohan nye hahaha

1:11 PM  

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