Wednesday, March 02, 2005

at work

came quite early to office today (actually it was a mere 935am,hehe)..then i switched on my so called server (not enuff pc in office so i got a huge server to haggle with) and anne called me. anne is my office manager - asked me to help with one of my bosses to angkat2 barang..demm, actually those stuffs (tables,boxes,monitors - alot of them) were kept in the building in front of my office and now someone is goin to take over the damn building and we had to clear all those stuffs. so for today i became a buruh kasar.. nasebla my boss was carrying and clearing too, xdela jatuh saham nampak cam kuli batak je..hehe..but part of that, while we were busy sweating and indoning and banglaing(buruh la ni) boss offered me acigarette, huyoo. i told him xpela, coz i got mine on my desk in the cubic, but he insisted and gave me his salem..wakakaka.. thanx boss!!heh.. afterwards, about 1130am, im going to the gateway to generate monthly reports for the credit card transactions for last month..argh,hated the serverroom so hell much,cold and quiet and boring..i felt bored usually, for the whole hour there typing stupid unix commands, checking the servers..demm, 2nite plak huda asked me out for dinner with her frens,adeiila..hehe, but nvm, im hepi with that..that maybe wraps up today's


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