Monday, February 28, 2005

ups n downs

haish..yesterday was a memorical (does this exist) nite for me, a huge 3-2 loss to chelsea..n i couldnt sleep thru out the nite frustrated..gerrard scored an own goal on the 79th minute - only 11minutes from time.. u see, he was the hero when he decided to stay at anfield..but ironically(i love this word..haha) he was the one who scored the goal with speculations surrounding him for a move to chelsea in summer. 10 more minutes..only 600 seconds and chelsea won the game thru extra time.. riise scored a thunderous volley in the 1st minute n liverpool defended really well yesterday.. tough luck!

despite the reds losing to chelsea,my beloved floyd shohrat on the other hand created another glamourous 6-0 victory over a junior side.. the team was so called alfalah n we made jokes that they played with serbans..(bkn buat lwk agame ek..derang start lu sbb pakai name islamic..pakai trackbot kot sume)..wafa scored a hatrick with superb flashy skills and clinical finishing - cam jinho (die kate seniri)..3 great goals from wafa,really superb..aliy as usual scoring nearly every game altho playing midfield and credit to supersub bawang that scored a wonderful strike and a header from wafa's corner. the game was wrapped up was wafa - claim seniri,hahaha(what to say man, 3 goals and 2 assists)..that game was like typical barca - a lot of one touches and superb throughs.. one twos, dodgy backheels but effective, beautiful,superb man!!(floyd - 2 games played, 2 w 0 d 0 L 10 goals 0 against)..more games to go for the group stages and the one with the international students will be the toughest..go on floyderzz!! - derang igt derang ade thabo ngn drogba derang bes a..kite ade drogpa ngan razben aa..wakakak..popobak!


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