Monday, March 28, 2005

it's a boring(beautiful) day

hmm, what did i do today..

  • at 12am, i was watching apprentice, it started at 11 but 11 was yesterday, so it nearly finished already, kelly's team won (he's amazing - surelyla bcoz he won season2nye show)
  • then, continued downloading more stuffs from the net. over the weekend, i've downloaded 2gbs of music,clips and some more clips (ranging from hot rod, qotsa, radiohead, kasabian, keane, and sylvia as well, ehem ehem)
  • di samping menjadi pendonlod yg hebat, i watched the o.c. season 1 (now kat epside time new, dah jadi cam pa, ulang2 oc.. maybe bcoz oth,yakitate and bleach tgh rest..)
  • slept at 230 am.. zzzZZZzzz - didn't manage to recall what did i dream of (but bkn blue a)
  • just by radiohead played on my hp (alarm clock buddy)
  • guess what - pressed snooze, hehe till 830am
  • woke up and took a quick shower - routine in the toilet was the same.. put some colgate toothpaste onto my oralb toothbrush and start brushing bebeh (bkn keep on shinin bebeh k huda?), washed my face with my cleanser (ni rahsie brand ape..wakaka) and put number5 on the water heater and took a bath. wah,there was a new shower foam but xbes coz it was dettol. (nak cite ni.. api used nana's feminine hygiene soap kat badan - he tot it was normal soap..damn funny).
  • got ready in a mere 5minutes - wore my brown dockers khakis, light purple shirt, A LOT of gel (nak wat kakashi kan) . opened the gate (2minutes of runnin the engine and blasted off to serdang -it was 855am)
  • route wasn't jam and got to office by 950am. on the way, i listened to hitz mornin crew (sorry for radio4 lovers, but i couldn't stop laughin at jj n rudy)
  • at the office, started to complete the java codings that i was supposed to edit and update - quite easy duh, watie gave me a lot of guidelines for the v6 acquirer modules
  • went lunch at alamanda with huda - ate nasi this last! supposedly she wanted to go to jpj to renew her license (nak men lakibal kot), but she was quite afraid to go alone, then xjadik..haha
  • went back to office, and started to read my mails. my bigboss yg bwk porsche tuh asked for my dad's email
  • kak shariza started to teach me how to compile and debug those damn java beans. the acquirer module had hundreds of classes and i had to compile using the java compiler command one by one (xde nye butang debug kt swing, it's all unix guys)
  • now, it is about 450 pm, i am blogging!
  • after this, i'll have dinner with huda and then going home
  • i think i can imagine what i'm gonna do - tlanjang n wear boxers only, watch oc, pendonlod for a while, play a few winning 11 matches and tata...fiaba!
  • see you tuesday at 820am - nak bgn awal sket esok

pa n notan - H.A.


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