Friday, March 24, 2006

reality tv shows

currently im watching the apprentice and its already the fourth season.. its fine to watch it as everything looks logical enough but the fact that trump always chooses his candidate for his apprentice way before the show ends..for instance,in week 7 or sth.. u can see that he will pick out his apprentice and praise them[wont fire them] and all the others will be punished for silly mistakes.. but for me, its fun to watch the apprentice as all those tasks are like damn impossible to normal below par people like us..and damn, the people in that show are like superhumans with super programmed brains.. react so fast and so intelligently.american next top model, a female version of manhunt [yucks!], same fucking old story.. from the beginning, all those lawya ones will be given stupid tasks like doing things they dun like.. n suddenly they are out..yes! its fine for me to hook on this also because there are like tonnes of hotties every season.. i actually hate to watch the normal poses, except for the lust and sex scenes..hahaha.. like the lesbo scene and stuff.. makes me horny a BIT but not to the extent that i can mastrubate in front of that, 2 stars for them.. eventually, manhunt will make me puke, cant even erect for a week..huhuuh..

one of my faves are like my big fat obnoxious fiancee.. it is so funny and so fucking stupid.. i didnt miss a single episode of that hilarious show..haaa, the most boring and stupid reality shows of all time goes to...[sound of drumrolls]....


Can't u eat those fiery little bugs and driving a super safe car on a truck? Well, I guess you can’t, but don’t people get tired of watching it? what’s next, “Tonight contestants, you have to eat the contents of this bucket, and the bucket is filled with _________ [maybe fieces, maybe gross looking insects etc.!” or “contestants, for tonight’s competition we will put each of you in an 8×8 cage with a grizzly bear that you must fight to the death. To make it interesting, we haven’t feed the bear in over a week, but we have been giving it Livita's and lots and lots of cocaine and hitting it in the genitals. Mr Rock, you’re first - good luck and may God have mercy on you.” and next week, ull be eating horrible eggs and even fight with a gorilla in a smaller cage. damn, it's so embarassing.. then, even came the Msian Fear Factor - even worse.. i dun care but i hate fear factor..

whatever it is.. i can see that there's one billionaire behind all of this and he is the one and only mark burnett.. damn i think he is richer than abromovich..


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