Sunday, March 19, 2006

nazya soh post..xpepasal..hahaha

1. Are u photogenic ?
cam xjer sbb gamba sure habat lembu

2. What time do you go to bed ?
hmm, slalu men ltop je but average 6am la sampai 4pm..slalu lbey kuang gini a

3. What was the last thing you did before this ?
gengariongs' prelims kt bilikbodo tuh, tgk chocobot jam, sithick, fantasyfutba

4. Who's the one you always meet the most ?
hmm, floyderzz slalu a sbb rumets

5. Who's the person you'll call if you need help?
tgk help ape..kalo psl duit..danarazal.kalo psl len2,ltop je tp mainly brothers a

6. What's on your mind right now ?
nak fia, pnat bakk

7. What do you prefer?american idol/malaysian
akademi fantasia..wahaha, xpat..american idol - season ni sokong paris!!

8. With whom do you wanna be with to have fun ?
huda n brothers!!

9. What movie do u wanna watch now?
nak tgk pinkpanther bodo klaka tuh

10. When was the last time you went out ?
td g bangunan kinta tman huda highlight rambut

11. What do you hate the most for now ?
malas naik atas g bilik kt top crash bilik poi..dah 2 hari pongs

12. what do u do everyday besides eat & sleep?
shak kok n berak

13. Colors that make you happy ?

14.Most fave thing in your room ?
my guitars

15. Miss someone?

16. Plan to buy something?
amp besa,effects ngn drums..pas2 nak bli deodarant ngn gel..hahaha, sampul surat nak gk

17. Are you satisfied with your life now?
quite ok tp noringik

18.Do you like seafood?

19.Breakfast or dinner?
bfast nla dinner hantu = equal

20. Do you recycle?
dat's wut we do rite?? - cam lagu tuh

21. Do you have a laptop?
ade..tahan lasak bakk..ley baling2..dah 5taun pon..elok g

22. What's your favorite fast food?
bigmac ngn swismushrumdabel

23. Cats or dogs?
cats..bobo ialah comel..kucing huda yg itam dan suke rabe2..

24. Salty or sweet?
mmq salty balls??hahaha..lbey kuang xsuke air sweet for me!

25. City or country?
apebodo soklan ni..hasel babi

26. Is kissing normal for your age? kot

27. Are you athletic?
mmg x a..oang cacat dikire athletic ke?pas2 pancit bakk skg

28.Would you want to be treated equally?

29. Do you have your own cell phone?
ade..6680 yg bes

30. What do you wear to bed?

31. Ever had a crush on a teacher in high
high schoole sume pcb

32. Coke or pepsi?
vanilla coke..xnak kalah

33. sugar or spice?
sugar..dah xde idea la tuh td tnye soklan lbey kuang

34. Can you use chopsticks?
kate cine..

34. Do you like to read for pleasure?

35. Do you care about getting good grades?

36. Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
fallen asleep ke..sengaje sleep??hahaha..slalu je.. time skola menenga plg high

37. Get a job or ask your parents for money?
keje maa..kalo x,xde la stragel wat resume..lgpon parenz nak retire dah..

38. Is your dad strict?
agak dah besa2 ni xsgt..dahley shak kok..ley fia umah huda..wahahaha

39. Do your parents give you enough privacy?

40. Do your parents trust you?
tanyela en ritzal dan pn noraini

41. Would you ever wanna lose your best
nope..not at all

42. Does your best friend get on your nerves?
kekadang ade gk..but lg byk hepi, forgived!

43. Do you make friends quickly?
yup..cakap byk bakk so sng je

44. Do you tell your mom everything?

45. What do you & your parents fight about
hmm..pasal grades

46. If u love someone & she/he rejected u wat
will u do to her/him ?
berusahe gigih dan tidak berputus asa..wahahhaa

47. Can u sing or rap?
hahaha..stakat soh nyanyi ley a..soh nyanyi sdap2 xpat..sape pnah g karok ngn aku baktang komen..hahaha

48. If u have one wish , who would u make ur
wife/husband for the wish?
hoho..bes gle sial soklan ni..kalo la xjumpe huda g..mmg mintak nice2 nyerla.. cam kiera knightley ke..btol ke eje tuh?? sarah michelle gellar skg xpat..hahaha..

49. Wut do u think of this survey??
buang sbb tgh sangapariong..layam jela


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