Thursday, March 09, 2006

down gle..

down nak mampos kalah camtu..the strikers didnt pose enough threat and didnt show enough composure in front of reckless and not so clinical.. dont mind about the 2 bars, and the disallowed goal..but we made a few mistakes and had to pay for it..damn!! rafa, im pleading, find new fucking expensive strikers.. 2-0 for benfica!! were out of the champs league.. down gle..jgn cube kaco aku skg..dahla gado ngn india2 sithick yg nk tgk arsenal..cibai a, stragel xfia nak tgk..hasel je dpt!!sok mmg hukum xg kelas..down gle


Anonymous Anonymous said...

manu leh skor weh lwn benfica huhu. tp aku bakar sial mangifera. ngaku sapot liv. operz #liverpool. tp xtgk match penting. pas2 bakar manu kat main #liv. nyirap aku. dgn pantas aku bakar blk.

[11:34] (mangifera) lama2, liverpool pun jadi cam manu
[11:34] (mangifera) striker bodoh
[11:34] (mangifera) midfield bagus pun tak guna jgk
[11:35] (mangifera) man u camtu la..striker cam bodoh, plus defend cam haram kalau main european level

- butuh po. nk comment tp basis xkuat. fak mangi. lantas aku bakar. -

[12:54] > butuh ah
[12:54] > ngaku fan
[12:54] > tp match penting x tgk
[12:54] > siap operz yg xthn tuh
[12:54] > sak ess

1:15 PM  
Blogger ariencinariong said...

nice one roomie...die mmg sak ess pon

10:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

floyd klh..liv klh..whats next?kene ko haha

6:07 AM  
Blogger ariencinariong said...

gengariongs a plak..hahaha

7:39 AM  

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