Tuesday, April 12, 2005

the return of parisian - part 1

(this is like a journal bout my life in paris - altho a week,hehe.. everyday ill write bit by bit so, if u mind, read from below please..its continuous. so if u read from top, u'll be a little bit blurred.. it starts from sheer experience..parisian, tq)

touring paris ..thursday (10-2-05)

damn it was already thursday!!gonna miss this place a lot, hell lot.. so, for today and tomorrow, we planned to visit all those historical places of paris. i was hell excited - i am into history, but not sejarah yg blaja kt unni or school too..but history like all those intelligent human beings like da vinci, michaelangelo, gallileo, newton bla2..so to be in paris was like a lifetime experience. i planned the whole trip for thursday and my parents and sibs agreed, of course! i was the one holding the map and i was the one that memorized and understood the railway system. thank god, i got power!!yess.. haha. so that morning i planned to go to take the seine river cruise. tempting - to go pass the city of paris by the river..very very nice [bkn strawberry nice ek mmq,salah..haha].

after getting up, we rushed to the metro station (cour st emmilion) and went straight ahead to the eiffel tower nyer station. the siene river river cruise dock was there. the weather was cold that day,one of the coldest. the wind was amazingly very strong, we had to button up our jackets..and wore gloves.. so, we settled down and bought the ticket - it was about 12euros per pax. so, we waited anxiously for the cruise ride. surely will be an amazing ride and tour.

river seine is very very beautiful. it cuts through rite in the middle of paris (right bank and left bank).the left bank is the one with the eiffel tower on it..haha, and the other one is the right bank. the city grows along the river in fact and many historical buildings are align with the river. 32 gorgeous bridges span the river at frequent intervals made the river so damn perfect. the river has its own special sights, from the river itself, you will pass the notre dame, the louvre museum, the eiffel tower, and many more beautiful buildings. there was this bridge that had hundreds of heads onto it - made of stone of course, but it was said, they are look alike of soldiers beheaded warriors. there is also this bridge called the Pont de la Concorde. This bridge was built of stones taken from the old bastille. parisians always say that if the stones could talk, they will have endless stories about the dark ages of the french revolution.

so, the trip was really nice.. we took the boat and cruised while hearing to the tour guide explanation about all the buildings and bridges that we passed. it was also told that the mona lisa was stolen once by the museum's worker because he felt in love with it. he kept the potrait for three years. one question - what is actually the mona lisa? people can answer it rite? i read many articles bout this but couldn't find the 100% precise one.. the nearest was that da vinci drew his own portrait as a woman..we had a one hour plus journey and it was very cold that day. so riding a boat during winter is not a good idea indeed,hehe.. i could feel like having a 4degrees aircond blowing rite to ur face.

after completing the seine exhibition, we were heading to take tour bus - "go round paris for 24 euros for 2days". this was the one i saw at the brochure at the hotel, so we are going to conquer paris in two days, yeah..

-the end-


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