Monday, April 11, 2005

birthdays..again??!! family members' birthday evolves april - go aries! so, last saturday we went to kelana seafood and had dinner (the five of us), but damn, the food sucks!! service was poor, everything had changed for the past year. ut eventually we had a really great time, talked a lot, laughed..haha, thanx nana,api and nani for two identical cards.. and mum for the cute card too. didn't get any for nana,haha..i'll find it later though (she's on the 8th).

had a great time there..miss dad pretty much.. and thanx huda for the lovely lovely shirt - see, i told u agak nice la..hahaha, besh jerk! k guys and gals.. i'm waiting for my birthday gifts,treats,songs,cards???anyone???

thanx for those yg dah kasik,hehe.. epoi n geng.. dah dpt makan free,diam2 plak sumer..remm!! but plg sial still alan - dah blanje makan kpale ikan 4 ktol, lupe my birthday, tau nak makan jer..hahaha.. thanx guys!!!


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