Sunday, April 10, 2005

april fool month!

my birthday of course was somewhere a few days ago, and thanx for all the guys that wished and gave some particular cool doesn's matter,as long as u guys remember it, it's cool and nice..yg xigt pon nvm,it's fine (fuck ah alan,hahaha)..i got this nice bday card from my sibs. u imagine, my sis brought this card as subang parade and yesterday my bro when there and accidentally brought the same card.. so i got two same cards there from my sibs (my lilsis shared wif my bro). thanx to them.. the writings on the card was nice it says on the front page :

i've really got a brother,
now that's a big surprise!
i thought i was related to...

-then u turn the page...

...a comforter with two eyes!!
happy birthday!!

that was sweet,haha..thanx adik and kakak. it's been a while i did not blog..just not in the mood rite now (phm2la rakan2 yg phm).hehe.. anyway, i'll push myself on keeping myself up and write som more..k? starting from today, i'm attending this guitar class at mahogany shah alam.. dunno why did i pay 115 yesterday, but i was interested with the guy (not thew guy but the stuffs he teaches, duh). so, 4 months wasting 400 bucks haha..skang maneder kua weekend dah, so it's ok to attend this classes..ok whut! hhehee..


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