Monday, April 11, 2005

exquisite appetite

do u remember back in those days we got to it from the 'kawahs' - not gulai kawah k but the real damn kawah from the dema(dewan makan).. it was sometimes nice and a lot of times awful. how did our stomach received the signals from the brain to process that whole lot of so called food?yikes.. miserable tho.. reviving (bkn revival ah soon) from those times, in semesta (the coolest school among the uncool - bkn cam the heritage koleq la kununnye,hahaha), i remembered a lot of names that we we gave and the description of the food - a lot of them was bad..of course!

the rice was bad..the food was messy, makcik demas that were such kemut workers - nak amek buah 2 ktol pon kmut..haha. during those times, the food was yikes, so like somalians, we depended on fruits to live.. without the likes of scrumptious, delicate and yummy of bananas, watermelons, honeydews, jambus, papayas, starfruits(staroba jgn perasan) and ape2 lagi la that was served, we would have been all mels and nazyas and shihams and gigsis.. there were times we played with our food..yeah,played with it,hehe..such an ass to do that but we couldn't resist the joy of playing with our food - just like small kids.. one nite while wafa and epoi was playing catch n throw (baling n tangkap cam anjing tuh) ..owh, wafa's best fren during secondary was anjing kilang tembakau..haha, rite pa? continuing wif the story - epoi threw the biskut kering yg habat tuh n wafa caught it wif his mouth..haha, demm funny. suddenly fankruk came and tayang alim plak tetibe, "weh, xbaik la wat makanan camni"... wafa dgn mulut longkangnyer replied with such anynomous face "biskut ni oang bosnia pon xmo la,haha"..those times were rich with history and laughter.,.missed it so much.

so, the point was to tell u guys that did not have the experience going to semesta and taste the kind of "buffet" the makciks serve, here's quite a list to describe..

1. cirit rubi - one of the famous dishes of ruby (a girl that was so called akak dema kot,quite young tho). it is actually kari ikan hanyir.
2. cecal - this is actually pecal (makanan jawe kot) but cecal is someone in our batch
3. ayam pink - not a pink chick but eventually was kari ayam that was full with oil on top (6inches) and bcoz the chicken was not cooked enough, it was alwiz pink..yikes.. once, we collected all the pink ayams into a tray..and left it on the amir(hem) xmarah, he just smiled to see that.
4.sayur newspaper - the sayur bayam which the kuah was red (actually ni bayam merah).. so often ade newspaper and tali rafias yg tlupe nak buang..remm!!~
5.ikan jaket - this is ikan masak lemak yg hari ahad tgh hari..once u touch the fish,u will be cursed with tgn bau hanyir bakk till prep malam pon..beware!
6.kulit pokok- this is roca or roti was so keras cam kulit pokok
7.getah / rubberband - bihun in the morning that was so xsdap and liat xcukup rendam, most of us ate it wif teh tarik..xtola tp sdap..try it guys.
8.kuih pas - eventually one of the most ekxciting kuih of all.. the green and white kuih pas, bkn seri muke..dunno hell wut..the hijau part was not pandan and habat, so we eventually played a game to throw it to the ceiling..sape dpt lekat lg lame mng.. needed skills to do it - slalu lekat sampai minum malam..then jatuh atas kpale oang or meje..
9.burger msia - this one bkn ramly buat or others so it was halal.. rounded kuih, slalu buat skill cam bola tengkuk - evntually onle me and wafa could do it..haha
10.bubur tahi - i dunno but all the bubur was like shit, and once ade lipas lam bubur..yikes!!! sape ek kene, dak pompuan la ..x igt, utpians for sure,kan??

these are only 10 of em, surely byk lg but i could not recall..but some of them were ok like
-ikan goreng and sambal tauhu tuh
-nasi lemak duwe (bkn duweng) - the best!
-nasi ayam lpas blk outing,nice~

len2 sume habat bakk kuase 4000!!!! and those times, lovely ones, during world cups,euro,rugby,wrestling,champs league,!!we watched kat dema jer sume - the tv surely berjase gile.. and kene keja ngn roskam,zekon,polek at nite sbb bising tgk bola...bile gol je surely pengetue turun from his house yg jauh tu coz ley dgr..sweet memories huh..makan megi kai water heater tuh..haha!

thanx to makcik fidon,duwe and ruby and to all makciks2 that cooked for us for the whole damn five years..altho xsdap, kedekut n so on..u were all nice..haha!!! thanx muah2..fuck off to 'najwa' (ni mmg pantat) - sape xphm xper.. eh xpela,najwa was the name of the company yg jage tender - suck all of them!!


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