superman.. for me, it is one of the most illogical superheroes all time but what the heck, everybody in this world recognizes him. one thing for sure, i don't really like him but i love to watch superman , the old version that reeves was superman.dah mati pon mamat tu. anyway, superman returns dah nak kua and im not into that movie although im sure ill be watching it sooner or later. i wanted to post about superman 3. i watched it just now.. baru je abes ni, bcoz dah lame sangat x tgk mmg xigt satu hapak pon but dpt gak igt sket2 td. jelas a mmg name bandar die smallville, i thot mmg reke2 je, then lana lang was divorced and had a son - she was living in smallville alone raising her son and at the end of the movie, she left smallville for metropolis to work at the daily planet. so lana lang, lois lane and clark worked together.. but that was not the main story. i thot in the smallville series, lana lang was a made up, but unfortunately the hot kristin kreuk version of lana lang was part of the old movie. and the best part was, the lana lang that acted in superman 3 with reeves was clark kent's mother in smallvile series.. i was damn shocked!! maybe koang dah tau la and aku lembap sket tp mmg tekejut a, lana lang lame ialah mak clark lam series smallville tu..nice!! ok la, nak kua cirit world cup..chow!
attention to guys/gals graduating this august. plz check ur names at the utp website.. check la kang xde name kang baru tau..wahahaha.. chow
13 januari 2002 - hari ni ialah hari first aku dtg utp. aku xdela sedey pon, chill je sbb aku dah 5 taun dok raub jauh bakk ngn family so stakat nak g tronoh ni, cam xde pape pon laa. hm, aku igt g nek trajet bwk barang g tronoh lalu jalan kellys castle yg buruk tu. sampai2 utp aku pon call epoi ngn pa, daftar2 skek ngn tros g bilik aku kt propana (atas ujung). bilik epoi time tu kt bwh bilik aku je, so sng sket. hmm, lalu kt pekan tronoh aku tekejut sbb die buruk sgt.. lam hati aku berfikir sniri, "uish, ni cam raub perak!". utk pengetahuan koang, raub pon hine cam tronoh gak tp hine kasta tinggi sket sbb die cam lawa sket a.. ade gk a kentak ngn satu supermarket name tongfat lpas jaya raub benkrap sbb barang2 die sll ngat kene cilok ngn dak2 semesta. so tronoh hine gak. nice.. lpas aku masok bilik tdo, xde rumet g.. down bakk.. tbe2 pa call die dah sampai, xpepasal die dpt rumet ngn aku secare misterius.. nice gle.. tros la perumetan aku ngn pa dr 1st sem sampai la aku grad dr utp..harini dah 21 jun 2006, and aku akan balik rumah dah for good sbb dah habes la pembelajaran aku slame 9 semester kat utp dan sebanyak rm100,000 tlah dibelanjekan oleh aku (dalam tatabahasa bm, penggunaan oleh saye adalah salah, tp aku nak pakai gak). banyak bende gak a aku beli kai duit tu, and malas nak igt sbb byk ngat, termasok lah duit dari langit yg dihadiahkan oleh petronas sebanyak rm2000 xpepasal dan juge loan computer rm4000.. duit buku yg pet bagi rm1000 setaun pon xdibelanjekan elok2, sbb aku xpnah bli buku duk cni..hahahaha.time goes really fast, damn fast i mean. 13 jan sampai skg, aku rase cam sekelip.. eh xlogik2.. cam beberape ribu kelip mate je.. tbe2 dah internship, tbe2 dah dinner batch, tbe2 dah present fyp, dan dah wat clearance dan akan balik dah angkut sume barang2 blk umah. babai pakgad utp, padan muke koang aku sll wat kuang aja. sape suh hati busuk. kat utp ni pakgad sume cam babi, sanggup saman budak semate2 nak menang pertandingan sape saman plg banyak di kalangan pakgad - baka gile!anyway, duk utp mmg sgt bes.. antare kwn2 plg bes aku dpt seumur hidop aku. the last 3 weeks after final exam mmg kelaka, bes, ngarut..banyak gle bende blaja time tu. temasoklah hakaz..hahaha, hakaz ialah hacking xdela blaja hack masok frenster oang len, tuh buang mase namenye - hanye blaja care nak tembus firewall IT Media UTP sambil download porn, lagu ngn movie gune torrent..hahahahahah!aku malas nak cite panjang ape aku buat duk utp ni, tp to everyone yg tau.. it was priceless.. everything, from lepak kat hantu sampai la men luckyball sampai la floydshohrat sampai la men pes, eventually everything was hell great! so, in this moment i would like to thank everyone, every single one of u guys in utp for the fabulous time that i had..nak listkan sume mmg payah a, sbb kwn ramai sgt hahahaha..thanx a lot, sorry for everything kalo ade terkasar bahase (of course la ade kan), halal a makan minum sume (this goes to sithick, jaya - sbb aku sll mambosok), and hope to see u guys again in future!!special thanks to everyone in utp.. BROTHERS (wafa - greatest roomie and friend all time, giggsy - dewa fia yg emo tp sgt bes, nazya - funniest guy on earth, alan - budak plg poyo ngn spirit tp plg pandai a KOT, mmq - superT and kimak sket, tp klaka bakk).. FLOYDERZZ (beyo - tman sepasukan IS bentong yg perangai buruk, paid - anak buah tutor FYP and kapitan, epoi - kwn 10 taun yg perangai cam oang tua, shiam - soang g muke qetat yg ropol dan bes, mundoq - baik hati dan oang tua gak, teeos - jengka yg basuh jaket wahahaha, jub - cube blagak hebat tp gagal mase dinner no hard feelings jub, chalie - OTK tp byk tolong, chaoz - anak tabligh klang yg rosak, markyie - rakan PES yg lemau hahahaha, mongkuda - ciriterzz, sangganu - ganung gagal pong (POM), woc - vokalis chocot yg lupe lirik, kokoy - drummer yg hebat but eventually bassist chochot kote kechiq sasarion, mel - kote kechiq skg men lagu metal sak ess, matta - soang g anak didik gitar yg lemau, sunyo - no komen sbb die ni kimak sket, pendek - pencurik baju rocha aku dan kuat blaja, alip n neng - housemates yg aku sll pow rokok, matlai - kimak mu kua utp tayang keras, pleq - chataz agong, acap - sasariong agong, blank - pembuat pc 8bit dan porn collector plg keras 250gb, aliy - pengumpul but bola agong, mebon - misteri bakk buncit ni, ronayon - sabah makan biawak, krol - penggemar bluan jepun dan kanak2 saiko bakk, pijak - fia wla2 tbg, gg - tabligh jahat, umarix - hackaz agong aja donlod, kedombe - kote kechiq groupies IS, bibiq - defend ketat, leman - PR lemah hahahaha and other floyderzz)..CSERZZ (boxer - cikgu CS aku, bawang - geng rasa2, dambel - dewa CS agong, adiz - rajen blaja sjak ade awek, remethy - fak a remethy hahaha, toy - anjing kitrang woof2).. WENGURLZ (sha - one of my best buddies, jaja - best buddies gak and posmen aku dan juge rakan pundol hahahaha, noran - rakan gagal pmr hahaha, diyana - gedong lalang bakk, apid - suke glak sampai nanges, zurabes - zrb pandai tp suke menjambukan diri ngn lecturer, fira - rakan fyp plg bes dan plg weng, dihar - rakan joli hahahaha, fina - "nazya tdo ek?" ialah soklan plg byk ditanyekan).. NGAP SAYOT (awang - kuat pow rokok die ni ngn rakan fyp, kc - dak konon kiut, zulhardy - thanx laptop aritu, azreeq - rakan fyp juge, abang - kimak xjumpe sblom blk, pejo - suke kai kain plikat, kba - kedah sak ess hahaha, lanstone - mmg stoned la gaye ckp hahaha "mamok?", faizal - plg baik duh die ni, raub - name daerah di pahang huhu, barox - sll kaco barox fia haha).. and everyone that i know in utp.. sape yg tertinggal tu sori la aku tgh fia ni, but seriously ill remember each and everyone of u!! thanks gak kt abg mat sbb suapkan kitrang makan, go HANTU!! ali kimak hahahaha, jaya kedekut tisu, sithick - mapley plg sdap lam dunie!! ngn sume2 lah tmasok chef kader, hahaha!!
5 years in tronoh, one of the best experience in life!! thanks for making it happen..
see you guys around.. adios!!
grad grad grad grad
yesss!! it was the best day of my life..2 hari berturut2 aku membuat fyp aku.. stragel sane sini, bace forum, bace pdf guides from java, dlod sane dlod sini, test2, godek2 tuka koding.. finally aku bjaye present pagi td. officially, aku dah grad - and i am the first one! the presentation went well, seriously xbajet pon yg fyp part 2 akan jadi camni, it was more than perfect.. lpas present slides to 3 oang tu including saniboy himself, kencing2 skek. tunjuk demo.. time demo lak, tbe2 keras gle demo aku ley ckp2, tgk2 muke kai webcam sambil type skali.. so ade 3 medium of comm kat ctu.. mmg nice gle la, i didnt think that it would be achieved this morning, but thank god it did! tuhlaa, malas cite panjang, i was damn lucky that the external examiner made remarks like good, im impressed, u can sell thi product, tp plg qetat external tuh stret usya kt saniboy die ckp "utp shud use this product"...hahahahaa.. mr low also altho ngan muke fya die, die cam layan jela bende alah tu sambil pakai for u guys yg blom, just present it ngn yakin and jawab all those questions with some technical support bia nampak kte xtpu and kte tau ape kte all those stuffs k? good luck!!finally, the end of my five year stint here...and it ended superbly!!-thx to everyone yg tlg buat fyp aku, gave some solutions etc, thanx to my groopies (ahli kumpulan, tah mane aku dpt word tu) - fira, awang and azriq... n1!! kte dah grad!! hahahahaha
harini dah hari selase.. gle down spjg duk kt utp dr abes exam last week, xde pon nampak kelibat fyp kat pc aku ni. mmg nampak gayenye habedah. sbbnye aku malas bakk, lgpon kehebatan aku memanceng kwn2 yg laen utk turut xbuat fyp nampak berkesan sbb aku bjaye bwk ps2 atau name dlm omputih die playstation 2, bende alah ni mmg sial a 24 jam bekepit except bile ade gem worldcup ngn dinner.. so dr 24 jam sehari, 10 jam kitrang allocate utk tdo, sejam utk aktiviti hasel cam makan ngn lepak dpan pc dlod torrent, 4jam tgk 3 gem world cup pas2 selebihnye yg dalam kire2 8-10 jam lagi utk men winning eleven (kalo tambah sume ade 26 jam, tp lebey kuang jela tuh).. hahaha, siap umak pon dah join skali men, to add the spice of the game. mmg lawak gle a men sume usya sokong2 pastu gilir2 king stay. fyp pon stay gak, stay statik jela lam pc.ade lagi 2 hari je before present nak ltop tpu2 fyp ni, moge2 die bjaye sket2 pon jadila.. kesian gak aku kencing saniboy arituh cakap aku akan berusahe, tp malangnye die tertipu.. arini selase and aku akan fia pas2 tgk world cup dan men winning, samejela sbrnye cam smlm.. aku nekad gk a sok ptg aku nakg anta weekly report yg dah siap(yes!) n aku nak buat fyp sampai ari jumaat. jumaat dah kene present dah, aku ngn fira kott jumaat..kalo xsilap len2 sume senin. malang cam siall. hopefully x fail a fyp ni. nnt aku smyg hajat kt masjid baru yg nampak dari luar agak cantik tu.. n satu g aku nak g amek gamba kt lam masjid tu, yg aku rase aku tabo jela kot..arituh buat bbq mmg bes gle sbb masak sedap cam kambeng, anyway mmg kambeng pon.. kambeng qetat name die.. beyo mmg hebat sbg organizer bbq sbb die g epo soang2 bli daging.. sume fiabawarooy. be be q.. tuh name baru beyo a skg. nnt ade rezeki kte buat bbq g (tiru yoyi)..busan gak a sbrnye ni..sajeje post nak merisaukan koang gak.. fyp fyp!! hohoho.. dahla nnt dah grad sure koang sdey gak nak, rindu buat fyp..ahahahaha, yg sememangnye x! aku dah fia gle dah skg, kitrang sume dah jadi hackaz..time kaseh kt umarix yg baik hati serta x kedekut. bilik mmq dah jadi sarang lembu, buruk bakk sampai nak duduk pon dah xmuat.. bes2
saiko motor broom2..
mmg aku agak saiko sbb aku apply utk jadi pilot tuh, actually reason die just to tambah options in future kalo ade sth happen. aku bgtau awal2 mmg la cite2 aku nak jd pilot dr kecik cume xkesampaian then aku pon amek pluang arituh utk apply. anyway, skg at least aku ade a few option in life.. ramai sgt oang tnye kenape this and that so aku jwb la nak dijadikan cerite aku apply last month sbrnye, anta application letter ngan resume kat MAS and lpas sebulan die pon reply ngn bagi surat soh aku dtg psychomotor test pade pagi tadi bersamaan ngan 8 jun kol 9 pagi kt complex A subang airport. actually kalo apply ngan MAS mmg ade 5 level of selection. selection die step by step la and kalo fail satu, mmg akan fail sume and xley proceed dah to the next level. so step die first screening of application lpas anta resume tuh, then psychomotor test, then psychometric test, then interview then finally ade la medical check up. so lpas bjaye dipanngil utk psychometric automatically aku dah lpas step 1, and 4 more to pagi td aku pon ready nakg saikometrik ni, die kol 9 so aku kene bgn kol 7 pagi then siap2.. bawak sijil, surat dll. kol 745 aku pon grak g subang and lam kol830 aku pon smpai. kat complex A tuh mmg baka sbb susah benor nak carik paking tp sbb aku frenly aku tnye2 sume pakgad sampai la dpt paking yg sgt jauh. sbrnye aku batuk dan demam hasil drpd jangkitan cik nazya. sakit gle badan tp aku tabahkan diri je pegi. aku da ready yg aku sure akan jumpe dak2 br abes spm, tp aku menten macho je laa. so lpas paking aku pon lepak2 kt lobby flight training nye building yg ade byk gile simulator kapotobang yg besa2 gabak dan canggih.die pon panggil kitrang berlime utk amek psychomotor test ni. mengikut kamus oxford, saikomotor ni ialah bende utk test kitenyer bakat lam bidang coordination ke, mental ke camtuh la lebey kuang tp die gunekan aktiviti2 yg gune komputer a.. cam contoh men gem kapotobang, pilih2 kotak kaler ngn cepat.. so objektif die cam nak tgk camne kite wat decision lam keadaan pressure.. tuh jela kot bg aku sbb mmg pressure pon kasi mase sket gle soh carik2 kotak and match2 and so kitrang berlime td ade la budak spm sume..aku je tua xtau malu nakg gak ngn soang mamat cine baye aku gk td.. kitrang pon masok and dptla briefing kacis - english minah tuh sumpah pecah gle aku kene fokus cam nak mampos nak phm ape die ckp.. pronounciation die habedah.. so stat la test yg plg aku cuak sbb x melibatkan iq mahupun akal fikiran tp bakat semate2.. ade 5 test sumer2 skali n aku explen satu2 kt bwh ni..test 1 - vertical and horizontal eye hand coordination
ni 1st test so mmg agak cuak a wat sbb still cam xselesa ngn joystick yg die bagi..aku mmg xpenah men gem kai joystick atau kalo oang mlayu ckp kayu ria (sapafak).. so aku pon ltop jela wat2 reti bedasarkan pengalaman gamerz agong aku..pakai mouse aku terer a men cs, men fm bahkan sume bende kai mouse, tp kai joystick mmg hbd. so dienye task ssh babi.. die bagi y axis ngn x axis yg begerak2 individually and kte kene centrekan both lines yg gerak2 cam lipas kudung xreti nak brenti tuh kt titik sebesar 1cm nye diameter kt tgh tu. yg susahnye test ni ble kite nak ltak x axis kt tgh nnt y axis tuh dah lari..n nnt katekan la x axis kte kt tgh dah, kte pon truje slow2 grakkan y axis g bwh, die kimak yg x axis td dah lari blk.. so sbrnye kte ltop2 je goyang2 kan joystick tu harap2 die kene kt tgh lame sket.. rating die per 10. mlm before g aku call kwn mmq dak star, die ckp a " arien, yg test 1st tuh susah babi (sambil glak2), aku dpt 2,3 je..kalo ko ley dpt lebey 5 ko power".. aku pon buat la smlm and koang nak tau x aku dpt bape utk 3 kali cubaan yg die bagi tu.. - 2/10, 3/10, 3/10 ..ahahahahaha siyes ni la bende plg susah aku penah buat lam idop slain dr buat fyp. so at least aku ikut arahan diela sbb die ckp try to improve.
test 2 - mirroring imageni cam agak sng and kene buat sambil pakai headphone ngn gune keypad bernombor die a..mmg cam men gem abes a.. die ade 3 kotak kt dpan kte.. ade gamba oang pegang kotak and bulat kt kiri and kanan tgn masing2.. kotak ngn bulat tuh ley brubah la, kekadang kotak kat kanan, kekadang kt kiri.. and org tu pulak. kekadang die ngadap kite, kekadang die ngadap blakang kekadang tetonggeng dll.. so soklan die kt audio cam die ckp.. "right, circle, positive". nnt kt tige2 box tu ade kua 3 oang tbalik2, die soh kire bape oang pegang circle tangan kanan.. tp kekadang keliru gak sbb die tbalik2.. die ade 5 round and stiap round ade 8 soklan.. round first die bagi 8saat for each question, then die bg 7,6,5,4 saat plak.. mmg glabah gle tp ltop je. so kalo ade soang tekan number 1, 2 tkan number 2 etc. mmg time tuh aku tros bayangkan diri aku yg tbalik2 sbb nak imejin kotak ngn circle nye pasal.. ni kire sng a kalo menten cool..
test 3 - concentration and focus
test yg ni cam susah gak a.. die bagi 1 gamba bentuk yg die men ltop je buat, cam contoh segiempat gabung ngn segitiga yg ngn poligon.. kire poligon bebentuk suketi makbapak die a. then kat atas kiri kanan ade 2 lukisan besa yg beserabut garis.. task kte kene carik whether ade x poligon dlm 2 2 lukisan kt atas tu.. kalo ade kt lukisan kiri je tkan 1, kalo ade kt kanan je tkan 2, kalo xde tkan 0 kalo 2 2 ade tkan 3.. cam ssh gk ni sbb nak carik mmg perit sket line die byk sgt. die bg 10 soklan and 60 seconds per question, yg ni aku bedal je ikut termampu..
test 4 - colours and shapes - concentration and decision makingni sbrnye plg senang bg aku sbb cam aku bjaye jumpe tektik nak jwb, kesian aku tgk dak2 len makah rendah gle pas2 salah byk..aku ltop ngn jaye, huhu.. camni test ni.. die buat grid 6x6 cam chess. horizontal grid die ltak kaler, so every horizontal nyer axis ade kaler masing2 lah, ijau, biru kuning etc. and kat vertical nye grid ade shapes lak, petak segitiga bla2.. so task kte ialah pakai mouse and click kan kt shapes n colours yg match. so example, kt grid kaler hijau and grid segitiga ade la kua bentuk bulat kuning, kte jgnla klik. kalo kua yg btol br klik..yg bes nye corak die kt grid 6x6 tu mmg kua cam 3saat je and nnt die ilang naseb a kte sempat nampak ke x, and kalo kat vertical ngn horizontal axis nye colours n shapes pon die tuka2 every 10seconds so lebam gk a.. aku bjaye gle yg ni. makah aku time tu: 1st attempt, 8 correct and 1 miss. 2nd attempt 11 correct and 0 miss and 3rd attempt, 14 corrects and 0 miss.. aku tgk dak2 len mmg misses derang cam sampai 7,8 kesian gk a..huhu.
test 5 - coordination (small aircraft simulation)this was quite simple. fly an airplane thru a series of boxes and it was much easier than the 1st test. time ni aku cam cuak2 gk sbb first run aku dpt 2/10 gak, mmg kapotobang tuh dah tebabas jauh dr kotak2 whahaha.. pas2 aku lepak jap, second time buat dpt 6/10 and final round nye test aku dpt 9/10 sket g nak perfect..sbb dah dpt feel joystick tu, but still kalo kasi 1st test tuh blk sure truk bakk nyer..
*******************************************************so basically what i see is yg psychomotor ni mmg nak saiko kte dr segi motor..wahahaha, then die nak tgk kte ade improvement from each task yg die bagi.. xde la same je marks or mrosot as well as die adela dienyer benchmark nye passing marks. seriously it is quite challenging!!after kitrang berlime kua die soh chill jap, die explen la ape phase pasni thanks for coming bla2.. die HR MAS. then lpas 2nd round nyer candidates dah abes there were about 10 of us mase tu. die sound dak2 len sbb xkai smart, ade yg kai kasut sukan ade yg kai thisrt sume kene maki hamun, yg xkai tie kene maki.. tp yg bakat nye aku soang je kai smart cam sial, xdela smart gle tp stended a longsleeve butang kasut itam bla2.. tie bla2.. die siap ckp.. nex time pakai like this guy (sambil tunjuk aku, whahaha).. ok lpas lepak2 die kua ayat cam not all of u pass the test, whoever pass we will call u for the next phase, those who do not pass, thanks for coming. die pon announce cam Akademi Fantasia. berdebar2 cam sial.. die ckp 2 oang je lpas.. name aku nek dulu waahaha,. mohd arien.. bluwek aku nak muntah time tu..lege babi..hahahaha, tros chill sinyum sniri2 call sumerang wahahaha..anyway siyesly test tuh ssh sial cuak. hope ill pass the nex phase lak, psychometric or cam petronas nye ability test a lbey kuang.
waaaaaaaaaaaaa..lege bakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk wahahahahahahah!!!
susahnye idop
blog dah xklaka down. sejak akhir2 ni xde cite klaka pon nak menimpe diri aku..sume cite tetekan mahupun serius seperti mase dpan dan kerjaya. nampak sgt bile kite dah besa2 nnt dah x happening dah hidup kite pas2 nnt kite akan jadi cam bapak2 kite yg serius sepanjang mase dan xbuat lawak bodo cam senario mahupun cecupak ngn kawan2 die.. kekadang aku tepikir knape kan oang2 tua dah xspastik? skg umur kite lam 22-23 taun, ade gk kwn2 kite 25-26, tp spastik je.. tula aku pelik tu.. cam misteri gk a.. nnt pemburakan akan jadi lebey serius ble kite tua.. maybe sbb tensen time keje ngn marah ngn bos la kot, xpon sbb kat kafe kt ofis ssh dpt tisu jd pressure pas2 dah xbuat lawak dah.. tuh bkn point aku, aku sajeje ngomel2 cam oang tua.. sbrnye aku dpt psychomotor ngn MAS, tp aku tgh pikir cam nak mati nakg xnak..demm.. tu je tujuan die..kalo la aku bjaye la konon2nye ngn interview MAS ni.. nnt kene blaja lg 18 bulan..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tp aku dah grad, sapafak? tp tula.. cam gaji nice. tp xtolagi la psychomotor pon kames ni, maybe aku g a kot..sbb mmg ni la cita2 aku sejak kecik.. koang igt tak time skola renda dulu ade kad kaler biru yg kite kene ltak cite2 kite. ade 3 ruang a slalu, konon2nyer 1st choice 2nd choice and 3rd choice. pnah ke dak dajah 1 sampai 3 ltak nak jadi IT consultant? programmer? hahaha.. stelah aku kaji2 purata budak2 skola renda di semenanjung malaysia akan cakap nak jadi a) askar b) polis.. sbb die pekerjaan ni la yg ade senapang pistol dan kte mase tu tepengaruh ngn muvi2 cite yg ble jadi polis maksudnye kte hebat and kitela hero negare.. tp sbrnye makan rasuaje keje (time tu kte xtau la), wahahaha.. tp kan, dari aku kecik berlatar belakang kan 3/5 org dr ahli keluarge belah mak aku akan keje ngn MAS ( parents aku both MAS pon; steward ngn stewardess ), mmg dari kecik aku dah muak nek kapatebang.. bukan ape, sbb free mahupun murah cam nek bas je.. tanye alan g johor nak MAS bape ringgit.. campur airport tax ade la cam rm25.. hahahaha.. tp alan skg jarang nek MAS sbb die sll g jalan2 ngn ayeen, xnak mustaza tau, wahahahaha.. balik kpd cite MAS.. so mmg dari kecik aku nak jadi pilot.. huwaaaaaa, tp biase la cite2 sll xkesampaian dan kite akan end up kat bende len.. tuh biase, kalo x xde la aku end up nak jadi pekerje IT..wahahahaha.. so kat kad kaler biru aku mmgla ade polis askar sume tp ade gak juruterbang xpernah miss. time masok semesta aku dah lupekan angan2 tu.. mase 2nd sem, aku kacis kua utp sbb time tuh member baik bapak aku HR utk cadet pilot ni, tp aku syg koang.. kwn2 aku laa.. koang yg bace blog ni..yep koang la..haa tol2 ko yg tgh angguk tu! so aku xjadi blah, mahupun aku xjadi amek JPA sbb sayang koang gak..hehehehe.. baek tol aku ni.. so aku pon ckp ayah aku, aku nak abes degree lu and then decide.. arituh mase final sem mak aku ckp pilot xcukup kt MAS so nnt apply la kalo rajen aku pon apply ngn truje.. tp pikir2 blk nnt aku ade 2 bond kene baya.. bukan bon dak skola aku tu, bon besa tahi.. tp bond.. huhu. so aku pon tgh pikir a ni tp aku ltop je nakg psychomotor ni.. kalola aku dpt keje ni plak, mmg aku xkan keje a ngn camtech ke ape ke.. mmg konfem amek aku cuak plak nnt xdpt..sbb manetau aku ni lemah ke men gem (yeke?).. jadi aku akan berlatih men gem 2-3 hari ni..wahahah, xdela aku ltopjela g..ade rezeki dpt la..kalau la aku bjaye dpt interview final phase ngn dptgak.. ni la cita2 x rosak akhlak aku yg ketiga je dalam dunie yg aku bejaye.. 1) dpt 4a upsr 2) dpt masok utp 3) dpt gak memenuhi cita2 nak jadi pilot tp ntahla, xmengharap just nak give it a go!! mmg skang baru aku rase yg idop ni pnuh ngn decision2 yg ssh nak buat tp tepakse..haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. maqan!
wahahaha..dah grad!!
fuck fuck and fuck..aku dah grad weh..lebey2 lagi sumer paper sem ni agak ok..gis mmg nice..hwahaha.. len2 ok gk except for km yg sial sket..hmm, anyway aku dah grad hopefully xsangkut a..n1