Sunday, April 02, 2006

floyderzz n my new skill

the floydshohrat rugby team was a blast this morning altho missing a few players due to certain circumstances.. not much to say coz im tired now.. we managed to win all four games. paid mmg laju cam kuda ngn sasa cam seladang.. hahahahah.. he made 8 tries this morning.. wafa with 3, lemand and ayo with 2, and one each for alan n ron. there'll be another 3 games trow with acap playing for the first time. he is the captain and he went to penang for the 1st day's match - sapacerit sasariong?!!

that was not the highlight of the day.. i finally found i have a new skill in life that maybe i'll include in my CV. im now a master in toss-coins!! hahahaha.. i was elected as the standby captain to toss the coin so that we can choose either the ball or the field. it was because all the players need to warm up n i was there only to watch n wat bising (the definition of supporting). so pagi tadi mmg kene toss 4x la.. n i WON ALL the tosses.. congrats to bariong!! sumerang dah cuak, including the organizer, wahahaha.. it was sheer class. hahahahaha.. n1 bariong!!


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