Saturday, May 13, 2006

UTP... oooo UTP

During my five year stint in UTP, fortunately it was blessed with wonderful events and superb small occasions. Being able to bond in a great environment and the world of friendship, the experience being a student in UTP is unforgetable. Till today, I'm not dissapointed in not going to France for the JPA scholarship, or even leaving UTP for several other reasons. This semester, hopefully is going to be my last, although quite a sober one, but frankly,
no extensions please (please help me GOD for my fyp)!!

There were things my friends and I did together whilst (did you watch Apprentice 11 yet?) in UTP ad some of them were so unforgettable moments. I really want to share with you guys all the great things we did together during our 5 year spell in this great and hot university, hehe..

Gimme a moment to think..

(One, two, three...)

(Forty one, forty two...)



Ok then, it all started rather simple. In our first semester till our last, we have a small stupid group that sticked together through all the rough and sweet moments, and we named the group "brothers". Not that it is being used formally, but we just called it like that sometimes. A lot of the stuffs we did actually were stupid but exciting enough for me to boast. It is like having a meal at Sithick, maybe Nasi Goreng Kambing, and although everyone has tried it, you still come back from Sithick and tell your friends how great the food was, duh! Back to the point, stuffs we did in UTP:

1) Penang Trip back in second semester
This was the first ever trip in my entire life going somewhere that is quite far (Penang is considered far when we were 18++). If i'm not mistaken, 15-20 of us came along during the Merdeka holidays. The plan was to celebrate Merdeka in Gurney Drive and until today, I'm still unfazed and unsure what the real plan was because we did not even managed to see the fireworks. You know why? Because we were stuck in a traffic jam.. Haha! But it was great as we stayed in a suite I guess, or a penthouse, or a fuckin LARGE room that had about 4 rooms in it. Even though i do not know what it is called, it was HUGE!! We played playstation, went swimming, even managed to find a carton of cigs in the kitchen, ate breakfast at the hotel and so on. In Penang, we basically drove around town, buying pirated CDs (that time there were no advertisements by K-Town Clan or Pop Shuvit so we thought it was legal) and hanging around eating expensive nasi kandars. We had fun there, seriously!
(no pictures taken bcoz digi cams were not invented yet this time)

2) Floyd Shohrat (2002-2006)
Floyd Shohrat - the name was given by me, Wafa and Paid. Getting the name Floyd from the CIA text book and Shohrat from and engraved name on Wafa's table in Baram (our block during 2nd sem). Currently known as the greatest Malay student football team. Qualified thrice for the semi finals and once for the final. The only thing was Floyd never won the league, sigh~! Anyway, this football team created a SOLID bond between all the players and the fans. Every game was the last game Floyd will ever play where all the fans will flock the field and chanting and shouting.. The bond is seriously a strong one and even today we call ourselves Floyderzz.. We have Floyd A,B,C and also D.. The spirit is so high that non of the other teams can match the spirit of Floyd Shohrat.. I will remember the moment of us playing football together, watching games while injured, going to BBQs and also wasting our time at Sithick together.

3) Jan 02 Batch Dinner
Not much to say here - one of the best nights in UTP. Laughing and taking pictures all night long. Having good food and also a funny performance by the Jubeez. Everyone was so cool that nite, wearing great outfits and great personality. It was a bomb!

4) Futsal Intercourse
We won the tournament - yes, I repeat we won! hehehe.. Our team name was Kumpulancapayam and Mmq was the captain. The team included Mmq,Wafa,Deck,Giggsy,Abg,Kedom and myself. It was the second tournament that we managed to become champions. Anyway, all of us took part. The main thing behind this tournament was that I organized the event and it was the first thing I've ever organized in my entire spell in UTP. It ended well, and I was more than happy. Thanks to everyone that made the event successful as hell - Floyderz especially for the support and help.

5) Euphonious 2006
Of all the events, this one was the funniest of all. We managed to include ourselves in the Euphonious, or maybe it can be called Battle of the Bands. Our band name was quite funny - Gengariongs. We did not manage to qualify for the finals but we had a wonderful time together practising and managed to perform well during the prelims. Thanks to all the supporters as well. Gengariongs - Mel, Wafa, Epoi, Matta, Nazya, Dab, KH, Arien..

6) UTP Treasure Hunt
We participated in the treasure hunt three times in a row and it went well. Now we know that we have a hidden talent in treasure hunting. Any lost items, or unsolved mysteries.. feel free to contact any of our treasure hunt group members - Wafa, Mmq, Giggsy, Wafa, Epoi and myself as well. We got 17th place during our 1st try, Champion during the 2nd time and third place last semester. When we became champion, it was one of the happiest day in my life, getting two grands and also being in the limelight for a moment..hehe!

7) Oasis Concert 2006 in Singapore
One of the weirdest thing that I did. Having not much money and since the concert was in Singapore, Giggsy and I managed to had our own version of Road Trip to Singapore. I only brought 100 bucks and we slept at a stupid cheap hotel that had their own prostitutes, walked more than I ever walk in my entire life, going to places that we did not have any idea where it was, walking at 3am in the morning in the middle of Singapore knowing nothing, and finally watched a fucking great concert by one ot the best bands in the world - OASIS! Besides Oasis, in 2004 we watched Incubus at Mount Kiara. It was a bomb but it was in KL so nothing special bout that..Hmm, and not to forget the great prodigy in Menara KL..

8) Freak accidents
One night, after completing our test, the six of us (Alan,Nazya,Mmq,Giggsy,Wafa,Arien) went back from Gerai Hantu with Alan's Waja. He sped around 140km/h and not knowing that there's a dead end along the road we drove. After hitting the brakes at full force, the tyres of the car locked and we did not managed to stop and we flew into a "gaung" (gaung lam english ape ek?) and had a rough bump for about 30metres. I thought I was going to die, everybody thought so. We only managed to see long grass in front of us as it was dark, really dark! Eventually, everyone was safe except for the car, hahaha.. The second one was while going back from Hantu..again! This time it was last semester. Mmq, Giggsy and me were in Mmq's car and he was driving for sure.. We drove and suddenly we hit something real hard and it was a fuckin cow, a friggin cow! and end of story. It was a night before our Adv Dbase exam and pity to Mmq and his car. I did not buckle up and I thought to myself if we were faster, maybe I would be much much injured. Thank god.

9) Raub
Not much to tell, when I was in second semester and had a fight with Huda. In order to amek hati and pujuk her, I went to Raub on a Wednesday morning with Wafa, Nazya and Mmq. Nice one! And at least Mmq and Nazya managed to have a look at SEMESTA, hahaha!


Surely there are a lot more events such as having picnics at Teluk Batik, Lata Kinjang and Ulu Chepor, wasting time and 'lepak2' at Sithick, playing snooker and lucky ball till 10am in the next morning, cirit fantasy and so on.. Too much to tell and I'm damn tired typing for the past 30 minutes.. Anyway, all of these remind me of one great thing.. that is the friends that I lived with in the past 5 years are the best and I cherish each and every moment of it!!


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