Saturday, April 22, 2006

interview arituh..

hmm..its 9pm rite now. im in front of the pc and feeling so groggy coz i just woke up from a 13-hour nap,hehehe.. anyway, just wanted to share my experience having the interview with viztel solutions. it was a telecommunication company and i was quite impressed with them actually, being the solution provider for TM, Maxis, Celcom, AirAsia etc.. lebey2 lagi office kt tower 2..hahaha..gaye, the interview went quite well. the interviewer started off with giving me a brief interview about their company and after 10 minutes of talking and talking he started asking me the very first question.. and not surprisingly it was - "do u have any question?".. i was not that shocked but rather prepared for that, so i asked him a few about the company, challenges doing voip in china, the regulated market there, the market here and so on..

he continued asking me about the programming languages that i knew and i answered honestly, i guess..saying that i was not that expert in the languages but i was a fairly intermediate user and i can only do advanced programming with references. anyway he really wanted young, anthusiastic and motivated workers as he told me that, duh~.. then, he said that fresh grads dont need to be intelligent but they need the right attitude.. etc. etc.. that guy really like to share stories and talk much.. i really got the chance to pancing him by asking about 8-10 questions.. such as, what are the roles of the soft engineer.. what are the challenges working here, what are your company's major language, why implement using c++, are there any major threats from other companies in the industry, bla bla bla.. i got a few listed there.. so, basically, it went really well as every answer i provided he really replied with a great,good or excellent.. i was quite confident..

then, he asked me about my acceptable salary.. i answered with great tokok-tambah.. such as, after doing calculations about my expenditure in the near future, i am sure that i can accept the minimum salary of rm2000 per month.. agak bergaye di situ.. so, he said thats fine for us and i was relieved, the he turned and turned the resume and started the killer question that made me utterly gutted..

"in our company, we have no 2nd phase or 3rd phase..just one states here that ur earliest available date is on 1st of august.. cant it be earlier?"

"hmm, maybe by 1st-15th of june"

"its too late by june, any chance by may?? u r in ur final sem rite? are u doing a project, or u have exams? because if u r doing projects only, izit possible to do ur project not from the uni?"

"sorry sir, but i think its not possible becoz i have courses to attend and exams as well.."

"hmmm, im sorry to say that, we cant wait till june.. so, im honest here that im interested but we need people by may.. anyway, thanx for having u here.. im sorry for that but i promise, if we have an opening next time, maybe in july or august, we'll give u a call and give u an offer.. do keep in touch"

"F**K U!!" (kiddin) - sdey kott..

so, habesdah my interview for that day.. and it was great and enjoying but menyedihkan la..anywaym tips for interview - ask questions.. loads of em to show that ur interested in the job and the company.. chaloslobos!!~


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