Tuesday, April 18, 2006


tomorrow there will be a test, a subject called GISBA or GIS, geographical info sys. this subjet is not suitable for me with only 128mb of memory in my brain. it's such a boring subject and full of information that is not useful in our daily lives. 5 chapters to look at and none of it looks appetizing enough for me to go through with an educated fashion. truthfully, only people like amanzeni could handle this.. amanzeni only knows how to read books, hangout with his gf, and ask for more answer sheets during exams.. this is true guys, i've never seen him hanging around with his peeps, only if he has one.. and also, he always ask for bundles of answer sheets during exams. as he sits rite at the back of me during loads of em. ok, back to my story. have you heard such fucking stupid words like topology, silver polygon, digitizing, cartographical, planar (wtf) and such others that i couldnt handle anymore. seriously, its out of my league.. anyway, i ate 4 cloud nines just now just to fill me ever hungry tummy and im damn depressed and sleepy.

i am happy because we are living just above the goodfellas (the house below) as they sell non-nutricious food like super ring, cloud 9, mammee and even ice pops (this is what they call them, we call them aiskrim nyotnyot)..so, if we want to munch something just bring down like a ringgit or so and buy as much as u like, huhu.. the house below the goodfellas called t.b.g. or tabligh residency sells dadih.. but rite now, it is always out of stock, i dunno why..sigh~

so, i am looking forward not for the test, but because i'm going home trow.. just to ease the pain of studying and playing lotsa PES with nazya.. maybe i'm just gonna crash at huda's place and go back on wednesday to klang to pick up some stuffs.. on thursday, i have this interview with someone name sherlyn at klcc tower 2 for the software engineer post at viztel sdn bhd. i don't deserve that job for sure but i just wanna give it a go. i am still feeling guilty not to attend the first interview with turcom cera last saturday but what the heck, i got my responsibilities to be the main supporter of floyd d rugby team, hahahaha..

fuck GIS and fuck the people who created it. cause so much problem to me and wafa i suppose, as he is also struggling and making weird faces.. i just wanna relax now and go back home, have the interview, attend the music fest this weekend and then sleep all the way until the killer fyp comes back to life.. maybe next 3-4 weeks.. anyway, goodluck guys with all the tests coming..chowballerz~


Blogger Unknown said...

waa...baka weh. slambe kutuk member aku :p
siot ko cine, dpt interview.aku gak yg masih terbarai kat sini..adeh

4:51 AM  

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